Abyss Geographic Location in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil


The Abyss is a realm of infinite horror and unlimited danger. It is a seemingly endless plane that appears to consist of constantly fluctuating matter, Ra declared attempts to fully map and describe even its more stable regions are exercises in utter futility. Not only do its most powerful denizens regularly remake and destroy portions of their respective realms, but the very fabric of the Abyss resists such orderly concepts as definition.


A dreadful variety of malignant beings call the Abyss home. Demons are its most common denizens, comprised of countless differing breeds that are further varied via crossbreeding, fleshcrafting, and mutation. Yet, lurking in the unfathomed depths are ancient Qlippoth—alien creatures of pure malevolence, with little resemblance to more common forms of sentient life.        

Abyssal Realms

An 'Abyssal Realm' is the domain of a Nascent Demon Lords, Demon Lords and Gods whos realm is the Abyss.    
Alternative Name(s)
Outer Rifts
Dimensional plane
Location under
Inhabiting Species

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