Starstone Isle

Starstone Isle sits prominently in the center of the Inner Sea and hosts Rioja, and it's high city, Capital, Golarion's largest city.


Most consider Rioja and Capital to be one and the same, and think of it as a city state, however while the enormous metropolis does not occupy the entire landmass, the entire isle is among the Rioja's holdings, including the smaller settlements of Diobel and Escadar. The town of Pier's End sits on the northern coast of the island and caters to travelers trekking to Escadar, while the small port town of Otari is located on the southern coast about halfway between Diobel and Capital.   Much of the unpopulated land surrounding Capital is filled with ruined siege engines and battlements from the countless assaults on the city's impenetrable walls, and has come to be known as the Cairnlands. The Starstone Mountains rear out of the center of the island, forested in their lower reaches but barren and icy at their peaks. Its highest peak is Arazlant Mox at over 26,000 feet in height.   Just to the north of the Isle of Kortos lies the much smaller Isle of Erran, home to the navy town of Escadar. The tiny island of Pariol, owned by the wealthy and influential Blakros family, lies south of it.  


Tribes of monsterous humanoids such as minotaurs, harpies, and centaurs occupy the untamed wilderness beyond the Isle's civilized shores, frequently battling one another and intruders to their territory. They avoid causing problems for caravans from the western port of Diobel to the markets of Capital, and all swear feailty to Rioja, acknowledging thier king the king of kings. In times of invasion, they put thier differences asside and fight with Rioja to defend the Isle.
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