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the Dark Ruby

Twin Books

‌ The Book of Evil Tidings is rumoured to exist in parallel with the The Book of Events Yet to Come‌. No one knows if the Book of Evil Tidings exists, but it has found its way into the Clansmen's psyche and is part of a shared urban myth.

The White Seer‌ collects all sorts of omens and prophecies during the Alven calendar year. These are usually transcribed into the Book of Events Yet to Come. However, many believe some prophecies are too dark and dangerous to be transcribed in the Book.

‌ Those are inscribed into a different, secret book: the Book of Evil Tidings. Only the Thane, close advisers, and high-ranking Sanctuary and Arkivon officials are allowed to consult the dark book.

‌ The Book of Evil Tidings is said to contain dangerous knowledge, including the exact date of the world's end. Such knowledge is kept secure within the fortified basement that contains The Great Hoard ‌in The Thane's Keep‌ .

Some even maintain that a unique library was built to house the black book. The library is supposed to be guarded by an inhuman Hell's Cur‌ and surrounded by deadly enchantments. The Dark Ruby

‌ Another myth is that the Bad Tidings are prevented from being enacted (or at least, their effect lessened) by a divine artefact called the Dark Ruby. The story goes that Belen, seeing how pious the clansmen had become, and honoured by the tributes and


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