Sentinels of Light Organization in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

Sentinels of Light

Retributors of the Dark

The Sentinels of Light are a holy order / military organization, dedicated to the will of the god Celestor and the extinguishment of all evil who lurk on the fringes of society. From demonic incursions, appearances of the undead, and malevolent mages and gods, the Sentinels eliminate these threats with cunning efficiency. Despite widely worshipping Celestor (some sentinels also worship other Primaris Gods in addition, such as Malady or ___), they are bound by the jurisdiction of the Whitestorm City laws as a subsidiary of their military. Ultimately as a subbranch of the Calgaerian Alliance forces, they not only protect the world from extraplanar and evil threats, but also serve as operatives for the Alliance with Sentinels appearing anywhere on Riven from Kaliban to Kano.


The Sentinels of Light are divided into chambers dedicated to different threats, and within those Sentinels are divided into ranks depending on threats slain and stopped, dangerous artifacts collected, etc. The ranks are from lowest to highest in a chamber: Heralder, Keeper, Guardian, Warden. These ranks are all a formality however, as the protection of Riven is more important then the status to most Sentinels. Heralders are journeymen of sorts, sent around the world to see all perspectives and walks of life before returning to their chamber, and only after they complete a test set up by the chamber warden do they become promoted to a keeper. From their they are to report under a guardian and answer to them, performing operations such as collecting and guarding artifacts, hunting the chamber enemies, and basic diplomacy between contacts. Guardians act on their own with little impunity, having a squad of keepers beneath them as they all work to complete long-term missions for their chamber. Wardens are the leaders of each chamber, being the sentry of the chamber and the strategist summon Sentinels to their ops.   The chambers are divided by the threats that they face, for example one chamber may be focused entirely on the hunting of fiends, while another is dedicated to the diplomacy between the Sentinels and humanoids. Existing chambers consist of the following: The Exemplar Chamber, responsible for the diplomacy of the Sentinels as well as stopping humanoid threats such as the Ashguard Imperium. The Sacrosanct Chamber, in charge of extraplanar threats including Fey, Celestials, and Fiends. The Venator Chamber, those who hunt interplanar, non-humanoid threats such as beasts, monstrosities, giants, dragons, etc. The Extremis Chamber, responsible for the extermination and study of Aberrations. And finally the Ruination Chamber, the blight of undeath and the undead in charge of keeping the Ruination at bay.


The Sentinels were first formed during the Calamity where Celestor's most devoted warriors took up arms within the Peradyte Woods of Calgaerus, driving back a swarm of undead and aberrations sent by the Dormant End towards the Aphelion Strait. Five days passed as no more then 50 Sentinels felled wave after wave of shadowfiends sent by Necrys. Another three days march past as the battalion of men and women's numbers have dropped to 30. On the tenth day as the shadows of the Dormant End itself creeps over the hill, the lower body of Malady being drug behind it, the remaining 25 Sentinels launch volley after volley of bolts arrow and arcane at the shadow. As it reached the battleline of the Sentinels, a bolt of lightning and sunlight launched from the peak of Mount Aphelion at the darkness, as Celestor launched themselves at Necrys, and with the aid of the soldiers and sorcerers burned the Dormant End in Celestor's light until nothing could be found.   After the battle and the end of the Calamity, the Sentinels of Light were formed under Celestor's guidance behind the divine gate. From then on they would defeat evil wherever their darkness may lie. While Sentinels rarely work in the eye of the public, rumors state that they've been spotted everywhere from the battlefields of the Calgaerus Alliance fighting besides their troops, stories of Sentinels on Naset making treks towards the Void whisper across Sett, and the spotting of their white cloaks aboard pirate vessels in the Veridian following the trail of the Ruined Isles.
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level