The hollow realms Creation of the Universe

Creation of the Universe


Unknown (Early Universe)

Sitting alone in a void of stars and comets, the twin gods Xapham and Darkin in an act of cosmic defiance for their meaningless existence forged the planet of Riven from the essence of stars and and the cosmos. Birthing the planet into existence, the two began to create and destroy the planet's surface, forging tall mountains, deep valleys, and finally the first gods to join them.

Xapham and Darkin, the god of creation and the aspect of destruction, these two sides of the same cosmic coin sat lifeless in the endless void before them. Neither knew what their purpose was, they only knew each other and the cosmos around them. They sat for centuries, spending their time in the darkness in meaningless competition and bouts of arrogance. Xapham, able to forge stars, comets, and suns into any shape or desire he would need. And Darkin, able to break those same celestial bodies down into any form he would require, making the two exact opposites but similar in ways only siblings can be.   The two learned from each other during these moments in the empty cosmos, not only from their celestial powers but also from their personalities. Xapham contained almost a childlike wonder and passion when it came to his small creations, while Darkin possessed a nihlistic view on the void, yet held a fierce protective nature over his brother and wished to prove to their creators they were both worth more than what they had been relegated to. The two began to appreciate their presence more as the centuries passed, and eventually began to dream of greater things together. And as Xapham melded comets as Darkin carved into them, they hatched a plot, a plot to put Xapham's powers to the test and to put their creators into their place as Darkin oh so desired.   The two began to create and destroy in unison, embracing each other's ideologies and powers to forge something greater than themselves, and greater than the creators that put them in this empty void. They crafted comets and meteors into earth and rock, breaking down stars into mountains and carving into the rock to create deep valleys and craters. Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the two had created the outline of their finest creation and their grandest gesture. They had forged the planet, Riven.   The twin gods had finally forged their very on masterpiece, out of spite of their creators and love of creation. While not completed, they had already made an awe-inspiring creation together, and they had no intention of stopping.   Soon, the two gods sought to create life on their rock, a feat which they soon discovered would require them to destroy their physical bodies to do so. As the two contemplated what they needed to do, they decided to go through with it. As Darkin obliterated their bodies down to nothing but loose atoms, Xapham slowly formed life as his body was decimated. Thus came the Primaris Gods, formed from the soul and shape of the brothers. Alune, Celestor, Duradin, Iona, Malady   As the two gods reached their ends, Darkin realizing what he had to truly lose, stopped the obliteration process. While neither were destroyed from existence, they were left severely weakened, and a god of the humans was never fully formed. The two drifted across the astral plane away from their innovations, and away from each other, as the new inhabitants sought what to do next.

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