
The lost executive

"Finally disconnected, guys! Oh, do I feel great already! I'm not waiting for Faust to find the way out, I'm going first! Ast, you said you want to explore the world? I see from the window - did you know we had windows? - That I have a magnetic train station down the street. I'll first try to go to Faust's, then maybe we can meet up all together? Nyrelle, out and over"
— Last transmission of Nyrelle before her disappearance

Nyrelle was one of the five unofficial executives of the trailblazers. Last recruited by the hacktivist Astvaar, she was great with people and managed to grow their organization past beyond a raggedy group of cyber-activists to a coordinated force. When they all took the leap and disconnected, she was one of the most eager to explore the world and get out of the city. She disappeared quickly after taking a magnetic train and has not given any sign of life since.


Early days


Nyrelle was head of the central broadcast in a Ne3 game named Starfarer. A high rank that gave her a lot of influence on the game as well and she was making a pretty penny. One day, Astvaar, TTt and Nykolas arrived into the game with a completely different purpose. They had a message to broadcast, a message calling to the outside, the real world and what their lives have become.


They first recruited Faust, at the time a bounty hunter in the same game, who will believe in their cause and join them as the fourth executive, to penetrate the central broadcast. As was often the case, they entered the space station guns blazing and took Nyrelle hostage, to delay the intervention of the automated security.


However, as she listened to Astvaar and Nykolas speak about their plans and the future of their operation, something awoke in Nyrelle. She believed in it, and in that what she had always missed was out there, instead of being director of broadcast for a virtual game.


She told them so, and helped them to broadcast the message throughout all of Starfarer in a way none of them were able to. After that, she defected to join them, and was acknowledged as a founding member of the Trailblazers. For months, she used her relations and skills to convince more and more people, until it was time for the big disconnection. They all left the Ne3 to embrace the real world.


Disconnecting forever


Right after disconnecting, Nyrelle and some other trailblazers hopped on magnetic trains, a mean of transportation scarcely used, to explore the world and find an end to the endless city. However, only a few of them re-emerged, several days later, deeply changed and returning to the Ne3 like they were completely different people. Most of them, including Nyrelle, never resurfaced.



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