The Hyperium

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An endless city. An evergrowing planet that swallows en masse all the planetoids that come in its terrible reach. It became so large it threatens to crumble under its own weight, unbeknownst to its inhabitants. They live in perfect virtual worlds, giving full control over their physical plane to algorithms and robotic servants. Nobody leads the megalopolis. Who would want such a daunting task, when eternal joy and freedom knock at the door?   Fringe elements refuse the bliss and try to disconnect, but most are captured by the automated security, never to be seen again. The origin of the system is now buried deep, locked behind digital vaults, or crushed under ever taller buildings. Those who search for an exit are doomed to run in circles, yet they don't give up, convinced that their quest is not for nothing, that something is awaiting somewhere, deep in the lore of ancient times.