Mechanics (Intellect)
The Mechanics skill allows your character to build,
disassemble, repair, or modify just about anything
mechanical, from a broken radio to a wrecked gyrocopter.
In addition, the Mechanics skill is used when
salvaging technology, building fortifications, or troubleshooting
a malfunctioning water pump, or any
time your character needs to swing a hammer or turn
a wrench. Depending on the setting, this skill may
focus on different elements. In a fantasy or other lowtechnology
setting, this skill may cover smithing and
crafting (and could potentially be called something
more appropriate).
Your character should use this skill if…
• Your character needs to repair a damaged weapon,
vehicle, or other piece of equipment.
• Your character needs to identify any parts or tools
necessary prior to completing a job. This can save
time and money on the project.
• Your character has access to a supply of components
and tools and wants to design a completely
new device.
• Your character needs to sabotage an enemy’s vehicle
or find a weak point in their defenses.
• Your character needs to build an item or modify it.
• Your character tries to install and modify cybernetic
implants (although if you want, working on a
cybernetic implant may require a Medicine and a
Mechanics check to represent the fusion of human
and machine).
Your character should not use this skill if…
• Your character has just a simple task like refueling
a vehicle, hanging a door, or changing the batteries
in a flashlight.
• Your character wants to program an application for
a device. That would require a Computers check.
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