Skullduggery - Eavesdrop
One of the simplest way to acquire information is simply
to listen to what people are talking about — guards
discussing how their day was and how they’re waiting
impatiently for the shift change, people gossiping in a
bar — there is a lot of information a character can pick
up just by keeping their ears open.
The difficulty for eavesdropping is based on the distance
between the character and those they are listening
to. If your character is listening through a remote
device, then the difficulty is based on the distance
between that device and the people your character is
listening to.
In some cases, your character might try to keep an
ear out for anything of interest in the din of a crowded
room or other populated area rather than listening to a
specific conversation. In this case, the GM should add
b based on the number of conversations going on and
how much the character's focus is split.
In an event that your character is attempting to simply listen to something in their surrondings and is not concerned about being detetected, a Perception - Examine/Investigate check is likely a better fit.
In any case, a character cannot hear a conversation
taking place farther than at long range, unless your
character is using something to enhance their hearing.
Nicoli is one of the empire's agents. One of his tasks
is going undercover in the city's public places and
identifying potential threats to the government.
If a person seems to be a potential rival or threat
to The Eternal Empire, Nicoli has them arrested and
brings them to the citadel's dungeon for interrogation.
Andrei is currently drinking in a tavern downtown.
People are enjoying themselves — talking, dancing,
flirting, playing an assortment of dice and cards.
The imperial agent is not suspicious of anyone in
particular and listens to everyone around. The GM
set the difficulty to Average (dd). Due to the ambiant
music and noises around, the GM adds bbb to
the pool. Still, many of the people are drunk and less
cautious than usual about what they're saying so the
GM adds a b to the pool.
The roll generates sshhh. Nicoli hears some
people talk about what seems to be some sort of container
being delivered from overseas. This information
was gained through the first s. The GM spends
h to have the information be unclear. Nicoli
did not understand exactly when the container is
expected but he has the dock ocation. This information
was obtained through the second . As
for its content, it's unknown but it is clearly illegal.
Nicoli could not get more information as the GM
spends the hh to have the city guard come in
to hassle a few guests for an unrelated issue. While Nicoli should be
happy that the police are doing their job, the people
he was listening to fled and he could not make out
the time of delivery and the distraction prevents him
from trailing them.
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