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The Order of Paladins



The deployment of paladins is dependent largely on the value of The Pantheon Of The Goddess assets in the area, with squads of 3 paladins deployed at minimum to enforce pantheon interests in remote areas. Witihin the city limits of cities however, paladins often number in the hundreds, with the larger cities in Alwaus holding the majority of paladin reserves - as well as the responsibility for the majority of training and promotion within the ranks.


Favoring heavy armour and melee weapons, the paladin's duties of protection and escort encourage their focus of fortitude and defense above mobility; examples of paladins using light and medium armour is rare, if not unheard of. The equipment worn by the paladins is often magically enchanted to enhanced the paladin's already formidable presence on the battlefield. Their armour shines bright even on overcast days, and blood and dirt is unable to find purchase of their otherwise pristine white cloaks.


With a variety of martial training and equipment available to the paladins, one can technically find a paladin armed with anything from Warmace to a Shortbow. That being said however, the traditional weapon of the paladins is of course The Warhammer, and the weapon has taken on a strong symbology for the organisation - despite the symbol not being formally endorsed by the pantheon itself.


Trained primarily in religious knowledge and discipline, a sharp mind comes before a sharp sword in paladin virutes. Beyond that however, paladins are trained in nearly every form of armed combat in Alwaus, with the notable exception being blackpowder based weapons like Flintlock Pistols. Once they have proven themselves and been released from their training, paladins are permitted to carry whatever arms and armaments suit their personal fighting style - with a notable preference displayed for heavy, two-handed weapons like greatswords and warhammers.   Beyond intellectual and martial training, paladins are also trained in the arts of negotation and diplomacy - ensuring they are given the proper temperaments and ettiquette required for them to behave in both common and noble circles without embarrassing themselves or the pantheon. This allows paladins an abnormal amount of social flexibility, allowing them to meet openly with members of society in all ranks and stations.


Logistical Support

Trained to operate independently in small groups with little to no logistical support, the paladins are trained survivalists and negotiators and are expected to provide for themselves while working abroad, albeit with financial support from the pantheon. In larger deployments however, they are often attached to existing imperial regiments and rely on those supply lines to sustain their deployment. The reputation of the paragons (both as warriors and represenatives of the goddess) ensure the co-operation of most military forces, and the backing of The Eternal Empire ensures the cooperation of the rest.


With few exceptions those taken into the Order of The Paladins are chosen at a young age from the multitude of orphans left in the care of The Pantheon Of The Goddess. Chosen early from the male and female children, they are shaped from an early age to remain loyal, devout, and courageous in the face of the forces against them. In less common cases, the paladins have accepted others into their ranks, often in the case of devout followers of The Goddess committing themselves to the defense of the pantheon.


Originally formed in the early ages of the formal The Pantheon Of The Goddess, the first paladins were devoted to the protection of alvain pilgrims returning to Alvantis from across Alwaus. As the prevelence of humanity's involvement of the panethon increased, so did the responsibilities of the paladins and soon a clear mandate was ordered in an effort to protect pantheon interests in an ever changing world.

Historical loyalties

While The Pantheon Of The Goddess has allegedly held influence and interests in most of the conflicats in Alwaus, they tend to remain offically neutral in all but the most one-sided conflicts in Alwaus. Most notably however, was the Pantheon's support of the alvain in The Inheritance War, however even then there was a significant subfaction within the pantheon who instead rose the banners of the paladins in allegiance with The Traitor King, Marcius Lesnar. Since the formation of The Eternal Empire, The Paladin Order has been involved in a number of smaller conflicts, yet has sided with the empire in virtually all instances.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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