Manfred II

Kaiser Manfred II was the previous Imperial Emperor, born in 182 AIS and acsending to the Rainbow Throne in 214 AIS. posessing a keen governing mind, Kaiser Manfred II saw his Empire prosper under his reign. Building up what he already had and investing in new infrastructure and magical research and even opening up more trade opprotunities with the nations of the Platinum Pact. A man of the people and a charismatic leader, Manfred II was well loved by the masses.   Having only just recently passed away from illness in the spring of 239 AIS at the age of 57, people from all across The Empire came to his funeral to pay their respects with even the kings of Borovia, Koralous, and Veltai, sending letters of condolences. The funeral was the grandest that Hanzig had seen in years and hosted a grand parade and viewing, and tournaments and a grand feast at the Imperial Palace for the nobles. Manfred's funeral was almost as grand and expensive as Wilhelm III's crowning... Almost...


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