The Empire

Officially founded in 783 BIS by Wilhelm the Conqueror after being crowned the first Kaiser and currently ruled by the young Wilhelm III after the recent passing of his father and previous Kaiser, Manfred II, the Empire is the largest power of the Imperial Heartlands. Ruling from the Imperial Bay to the Sachenwald Mountains and all the way to the edge of the Iron Mountains. From the Imperial capital city of Hanzig, the aptly named dynasty of the Von Hanzigs sit atop the Rainbow Throne and rule, and have always ruled, the empire as its kaisers.   The Empire is an absolute behemoth of bureaucracy. There are systems of courts, councils, and committees galore with divisions for each. The most important of these being Imperial Affairs. Imperial Affairs oversees matters of state that don't necessarily require the oversight of the emperor, leaving his majesty open for other matters.   The Empire's noble houses (of which there of many) follow a system of feudalism. Each duchy, county, and bishopric is free to govern themselves as they see fit so long as they stay within the confines of Imperial law, their feudal contract, which can be different for each noble family, and the will of the emperor. Their fuedal contract also obligates them to fulfil certain obligations to the empire which almost always involves some sort of monetary tax or tithe but can also include things like levies and troops during wartime. Nobles of the Empire also speak a unique dialect of Common during official proceedings and formal settings called Kaiserspiel.
Geopolitical, Empire


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