Nachtsturz Wilds

A large, dense forest littered with the ruins of The Ones Who Came Before in the center of the Imperial Heartlands, the Nachtsturz Wilds is known to be a place best avoided unless you're familiar with it. All manner of beasts, fey, and aberrations call the Wilds home and curses seem to thrive here.    Offically claimed by The Empire, everyone knows these Wilds are ruled by no man, but by nature itself. The strech of the Imperial highway network that runs through it was the most difficult part to build as dwarven work crews were occasionally set upon by things that didn't take kindly to their forest being chopped down, and while still traversable to this day, it is starting to become dillapitated and overgrown. Most merchants prefer to take the extra time and just go around the Wilds as there are a plethora of stories of caravans going into the Wilds and simply never coming out.   There are known to be a few elven nomad clans that call the Wilds home as well, having adapted and learned to work with the forest instead of against it. Explorers and antiquarians that seek to study the Wilds' ruins are known to seek out these clans to ask for a guide. Most clans are happy to provide this service even being somewhat isolationists as items from the outside world are sought after by the younger hunters and scouts.


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