Cutlet Character in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil


Cutlet is a blacksmith of exceptional skill in the Marketplace between the Lady's Ward and the Clerk's Ward of Sigil. Although he is an orc, his orcish features are subtle and and could easily pass as a burly human in most circumstances.  He usually works with the door closed and he throws a dagger quickly and often when he is surprised.   At the beginning of the adventure, Cutlet had the ability to improve mundane, common weapons, armor, and shields up to reliable condition (See Weapon, armor, and shield conditions). However, when the Kateesh slayed the Sea Hags in The Heroic Domains of Ysgard near the The Olympian Glades of Arborea border and found a tome that would teach an experienced smith new tricks and gave it to Cutlet, he learned to craft up through Pristine condition for any mundane weapon, armor, or shield.


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