Palace of the Jester Building / Landmark in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Palace of the Jester

A location in The Lady's Ward

  This enormous series of buildings is steeped in mystery. Although the elite of the city do visit this place from time to time, they always seem uneasy about it and they never discuss their visits with anyone to which you have ever spoken.   The Kateesh have been sent by Jeriome Fell to visit the Palace of the Jester.  He has told them that it used to be the faction hall and worship center of the followers of Aoskar.  Aoskar was a powerful Sigilian mage who specialized in teleportation magic.  In the lack of any real gods in Sigil, some faith-starved citizens starting worshipping Aoskar calling him the god of portals.  This praise only seemed validated when Jeriome Fell, a Dabus of the Lady of Pain starting preaching of Aoskar's marvels to the masses in the streets.  Cautiously whispered rumors claim that the Lady of Pain utterly squashed this fledgling religion by killing the new god with a thought.  Aoskar's priest, Jeriome, earned his surname as he Fell from the grace of the Lady losing his rights, privledges, and powers as a Dabus.
Huge, daunting, mysterious

This article has no secrets.


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