Prison Building / Landmark in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil


A guildhall for theĀ Mercykillers faction in The Lady's Ward Basic Information

The Mercykiller's headquarters looks like everything a berk fears: a mass of grim stone and spikes, surrounded by broad avenues. Sometimes a cutter'll hear a faint wail from within, and when he does he doesn't stop walking. There's some things a sod just don't want to know about. The one good thing about the nearby quarter is that street crimes are virtualiy nonexistent. There's not a cross-trading body around who's going to ply his skills under the very noses of the Mercykillers. There's too many rumors of them deciding they can arrest, try, and punish a berk themselves, especially if their headquarters is close and convenient. Rigidly honest folk who've got the money and no vices at all set their cases in the blocks around the Prison.
Screams emmanate often


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