The Sigil Clone Chamber Geographic Location in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

The Sigil Clone Chamber

The Sigil Clone Chamber is accessed by entering a plain white door to a shed-sized plain white building on the edge of the Lady's Ward.  Upon entering the door, a staircase descends about 75 feet to a 5-foot hallway.  The hallway terminates in a door.  The door leads to a large, 50 x 50' room with 30' ceilings.  The whole room is plain white except for rivlets of green liquid slowly flowing in the room.  This room is the protection room.  In it figments of Mordenkainen's spells are left to protect the actual laboratory which lies beyond the 10' double door.  This double door is protected by a permanent arcane lock spell and only opens to the correct pass phrase or by some other magical means.  It has no key holes and can not be picked or forced open.     The clone room itself is a pristine plain white laboratory.  In it are the remnants of the studies of a clearly powerful wizard -- a desk, books, and alchemical supplies and spell components.  The clone capsule itself contains a body of Mordenkainen (AKA Ardent Hylon) of approximately 35 years old.  As the Kateesh arrives for the first time, the body is motionless and suspended in green fluid.  CrOFL and Flora Asarad (Caine's mother) are there.
Mordenkainen's cloned body awaits his soul


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