CrOFL Character in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

CrOFL (kraw-ful)

CrOFL is a tortle that visited Ett Tiberon in the Prison of the Mercykillers. It is clear that CrOFL has some position of power within the punishment branch of the Sigilian government. It is also clear that CrOFL knows that Ett killed his own father, even though Ett thought that was not known by any other than his mother. CrOFL wears heavy amor and carries a stick from which sparks jump from the end.   CrOFL helped Ett Tiberon escape from The Prison of the Mercykillers by turning Ett ethereal. But the price is that Ett now wears the Choaker of Proof Against Detection and Location(Cursed).   CrOFL warned Ett Tiberon to be careful -- to not get too close -- during the fight between Hercules and the 9-Headed Hydra.   CrOFL appeared with Flora (Caine's Teifling mother -- she was Jateesh along with Caine's githzeri father) in the unusual laboratory in the The Lady's Ward  of Sigil called The Sigil Clone Chamber is where one cloned body of Mordenkainen the great wizard is stored awaiting his soul to inhabit it upon the death of another clone.   Flora called CrOFL a "Friend?".


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