The Shattered Wars Military Conflict in The Inner Sphere | World Anvil

The Shattered Wars

The Shattered Wars was a conflict between several military groups of people who tried to conquer the recently Shattered Coast.

The Conflict


At the Shattering, large swaths of land were devastated by the sudden collapse of the coastline on the westside of the former western continent (now the central continent).   This shattering led to general unrest and decline as infrastructure had to be rebuilt and refugees needed to be evacuated and cared for.   Both [Ph'danodas] and [Ematirós], then small kingdoms to the north and east respectively, sought to conqer the lands and take advantage of the rich soil. Other nations surrounding them also smelled riches and a race to the coast began.


Battles were forged mainly within the now collapsed Kingdoms that previously reigned over the Shattered Coast. The longer the conflict lasted, the more it expanded towards the borders of the neighboring countries, until War was happeneing all across the Area of the Shattered Coast and even beyond, as more countries tried to attack Kingdoms weakened in the wars.


The land was unstable and prone to natural disaster, thus many battles were ended not by one army being victorious over the other, but more often by the collapse of the battle field. Whoever escaped with their lives could call themselves a winner of the battle.


The other Kindgoms were forced back from the coastline and Ematirós and Ph'danodas battled for a short while amongst themselves before the Treaty of the Red Bay was forged and they came to a tentative peace.


Many of the defeated Kingdoms collapsed after the war due to the high cost of life the conflict brought. Without the Magic that had disappeared with the Western Continent*, famine and sickness spread as the population was too large to sustain without the previous magical aid.   Some of the Kingdoms banded together to form a stronger force against the threat of the now at peace with each other Kingdoms of Ph'danodas and Ematirós, while others swore allegiance to the victorious Kingdoms.

Historical Significance


This was the first conflict waged in the new Era, After Shattering. It was thus also the first conflict waged without Magic*.

In Literature

"When the Realms Shattered - A History of the Shattered Wars" - Philomenos Ironclaw "A Brief History of Dwarven Weapons" - Basilios Granitejaw

Technological Advancement

As the first war without Magic*, the focus lay on more physical melee and ranged combat, rather than on magical combat. Dwarven weaponry became the standard for warfare during this time.
Battlefield Type
Start Date
3 AS
Ending Date
10 AS
Conflict Result
Ph'danodas and Ematirós emerge victorious and divide the coast amonst themselves



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