"Sea Hag's Scorn" - Intro and Side Quest

General Summary

Kalthorne's Edge

Session 11 - Intro and Side Quest

While the party was waiting for that one week to pass, only being a half days journey from Hanan Ce'Vesh by horseback, they decided to return to Boardwalk and take in some drinks at their favorite watering hole, The Pearl Jam, as had become custom and ruminated on the hardships and escalation of their latest conflicts.   Nathaniel tells the party to regroup with him at Hanan Ce’Vesh in a week's time and leaves for the Northeast, towards HavenHold, to get more information from or about his father. Ashera joined back up with the group when they left Hanan Ce'Vesh, and, looking for something to occupy their time for the next week, sought to help out the locals. The rest of the party decided to make their way to the harbor and see what they saw.   In the Harbor or Boardwalk, they met a delightful, albeit large man by the name of Clope Adrth. Clope was a Goliath and was a bard whose talents were glamorous and capable of enthralling even the most complicated of patron. The folks in Boardwalk didn’t stand a chance as a mystical sound emanated from his hands - no instrument, his hands manipulating the resonance of the air to create a sound not unlike a Theremin. The party, and the crowd all give this bard some coin and kind words and they exchange words and learn more of each other. After the minutes race past and the crowd has long since dispersed, another man, elven, stopped short and with much excitement had recognized Winslow from a past time of them being in a traveling troupe of actors and musicians.   After some conversation, Winslow, Clope, and the others join the mer known as Selwin The Entertainer and his troupe to help them in a paid performance at the nearby, smaller island settlement to the Southeast, known as Jute's Landing on the NE edge of the Continent of Kalthorne to the South and East. Another adventurer, another face amongst the crowd until speaking up, joined the party that day. Their name was Ikol The Rock Gnome and was the final to tag along, having attributed it with the thrill of the experience in the market than anything, this gnome was from Brazenhold and was keen to tinker with idle hands. While in Jutes Landing, the party were robbed by some street rats during the performance and found themselves in the middle of a legacy of pain and hardship at the expense of a Sea Hag by the name of Evanore.   Evanore was one of the founders of the town, and despite some aspects of her evil nature, she tended to help the commonfolk of the town and even aided the founders of the town to clear the area of monstrosities for its establishment to even occur. As the years passed, truth of her nature came to light and rumors twisted the story to something hateful and false - so, Evanore decided to poison the whole town, her grief compounding her pain at the loss of a recent lover when he discovered her identity.   The party found all of this tale and used that understanding of her situation to help her give up this mission of dread. They convinced her to reveal where the poison was, and to release the soul of her lover’s child, which she had taken when he broke her heart - the child died of illness though and was never a chip she had on hand to play. Was she justified in her actions? Who is to say, but the party walked away with several Jars of Pale Tincture, a potent, milky white poison, having saved the town in the end. Their gnome companion died in an overzealous attempt to slay some Kuo-Toa's that had beset the party - his small stature and eagerness to engage being his downfall when the low intelligence creatures attacked the nearest enemy and surrounded the small artificer. May Ikol rest in peace ashore Kalthorne's waters.   One woman they had met in Jutes Landing was a Half-Elf named Captain Remi "The Falcon" Falco, who was in charge of the street rats that had robbed the party. She provides them with a safe space, as long as they provide even the paltriest sums of gold or silver. Throughout the course of their adventure, the party had proven themselves trustworthy (even though they accidentally broke the building above the hidden base due to Hideo’s propensity to not like doors). Something in Remi was stirred by the group, and she met them at the dock with a most impressive longship. This ship, worse for wear but sturdy as any longship might be, was known as The Azure Kestrel, and Captain Falcon becomes a new bond that can ferry the party with relative safety overseas.
Feat: April Airlez, Hideo - Z000, Urkall "Goodwill" Neekrath , Winslow "The Wise", Ashera of The Moon, and introducing Clope Adrth and Ikol The Rock Gnome.
Report Date
17 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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