Haven Island

The Central Mass of Haven Island is the centermost island in the many islands of Hanan S'Vituum and where the story has mostly taken place so far. It is divided into 8 distinct regions with differing styles of leadership and history for each of the areas. About a two day walk in most directions to cross, it is a modest island, but one that is quite diverse of life and environments despite that.

The Regions of Haven Island:

HavenHold and Brazenhold

HavenHold and Brazenhold. Two kingdoms who have allied themselves into one during the closing years of a multi-decade war. These holds work in unison as a result of that alliance, trading, training, and even celebrating together. Since the plague, the blight that followed, and the lull in both's slowing there has been a bit of unrest with the alliance, though some say this started sooner than that.


The Feylight Forest

The Feylight Forest. The lights of the ancients dwell within the nature of this beautiful and large forest and protect it from harm. They were damaged by the plague as the blight took root, but since the party's intervention and the death of Queen Nerine of The Feylight (and Sterling The Unicorn RIP), the lights have returned to a similar level after only a month. The Feylight Guardians were established within Haven Cross to be a central safeguard and sister organization to The Illuminators.


The Highlands of Illumination

Highlands of Illumination. The main feature of this risen cliffside is a stark white walled city of some size known as Gleamgael. Purveyors of Arcane and Divine magics make up the theocratic magocracy of this kingdoms leaders, as several sects of both religious, arcane, trade, and various others, all combine their voice to enact their various God's wills within Precepia the Stalwart's effervescent gaze and ultimate say.


The Stillwater Lowlands

The Stillwater Lowlands. The most unexplored, or at least, most wild part of Haven Island. It's thick Sehrwood's are always tipped with the lingering frost of the Northern Valley of The Solstice, and many great beasts reside around and to the West of Stillwater Basin, so travel that way without those able to tussle with such beasts would be seen as suicidal at best. Sometimes these Great Beasts can travel far on their large appetites, and sometimes they carve out domains of their own with, or without a pack.


The Alabaster Shore

The Alabaster Shore. The many slopes of Haven Island recede as they reach the South in all places but the Southwest along The Tempered Sheer as this white beach that stretches most of the length of the islands Southern shoreline. A few ports are found along this shore, the main one being Boardwalk which usually ferries in the new arrivals from distant islands. The Guild of The Planks are known to allow passage to any of the known islands save for the Broken Chain of Aramore to the West, though ships come in from that way from time to time, when they aren't raided by The Burning Wave or make port as one of those accustomed to the warrish lifestyle of Gehenna, the organization's Pirate ruled capital and seat of it's power.


The Murk Mire

The Murk Mire. A more recent add to Haven Island that began to bubble into existence following the beginning of the Barbarian Wars nearly three centuries prior. It's swampy setting has found a home in many of the parties' adventures, but has yet to reveal it's mysteries. Still, some things are certain, it's brackish waters continue to creep up the shore, and at one time, there was something stopping the ocean from even reaching what would become this mire. Though many ruins and forgotten keeps litter the mire, the town of Portsmouth and it's nearby Myrefall Keep serve as the vassals of Brazenhold Kingdom a gift from HavenHold Kingdom in their alliance, before the swamp was there, this exchange would also include half of the Northern Weeping Pine Woods.
  In recent sessions, April Airlez has found favor with natives of the Swamp thanks to her Athropologist background and the Tribe of The Greyscale have begun to reveal and teach her some legends of Navo Hanan's ancient times.


The Tempered Sheer

The Tempered Sheer. An ever-climbing hillside whose once pristine natural beauty has long been tarnished by the staining of The Burning Wave and their ilk who have established shanty towns and camps throughout known as Gehenna and the Gehenna Shanty Town respectively. It's iron, steel, and other rusted and ramshackled heaps would amass up this hillside reaching towards and sprawling across at points. Once Privateers with honor, they had long since fallen into disarray and many turn the blame towards Lord Regent Haven himself, whose vigor to protect him and his own during the war's long span is most... exemplified in how these vagabonds operate.


The Valley of The Solstice

The Valley of The Solstice. The Northern frozen mountains and the cauldron of ice that lay between is the bulk of this ferociously beautiful scape, but ancient cities such as Hanan Ce'Vesh and serene beauty from it's Frostshear Mountains and valley for which the region is known are known to exist in scattered places. The winds of the region howl with an unnatural ferocity as if a living storm at times, and snowblindness is the least of concern when powder seems to stick and climb onto the clothes one wears. Anytime someone traverses through this frozen place, it is as much a journey of luck as it may be skill. As such, the elves of the aformentioned city are as tough as winter when they need to be.


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