Hitting the Boardwalk.

Downtime & Intro Quest

General Summary

Southbound: Alabaster Shores!

Session 5 - Downtime and Mini Quest

Travelling South now, back to the portside town of Boardwalk where many of them came onto the island, some for the first time, others just having this be one of many. The town is built outwards into the ocean and rests upon a large complex system of wooden beams, platforms, and pillars that jut deep into the pitch of the ocean, the party explores other locations of lore, wealth, or just a place to settle for a while, wandering the cities many shored, and piered districts. They eventually come to find the tavern known as The Pearl Jam and book a sizeable room (big enough for 6) in it's basement, and fund that space for the better part of a year.   The party decided the next morning to seek out a local blacksmith by the name of Elric-1909a they had heard of who placed a bounty on the bandits that the party had taken out. The blacksmith was a unique thing, a golem of sorts, but... not quite. He, it... they. They gave the party their payment and after taking an assessment of the party he offered his services as Elric The Mastersmith, a title they had recently gained from an annual competition. Their shop was bustling always and Elric would often brag about never needing rest so rush orders, while still at a premium, are a thing they can do with no issue.   They spent some time conversing and establishing bonds with Elric before leaving to check out other contracts offered at the local guild hall which had posted bounties of locally known criminals out of the FairHaven Bounty Hunters home base as they happily post other guild’s bounties for a small fee. It was here that they were reunited with Squeeks the Moon Druid, and Ruvyn "Shopkins" Morsys. April and the others find that they have been staying at a different inn across town for the past few days, and offer them space in their room.   They travel to the East, at Shopkins' request, taking a bounty for a local infestation of Goblins just ashore of an abandoned dock. They dispatched them quickly and found crude writings on the Goblin's bodies and indications of a goblin stronghold somewhere on the island... Shopkins has not been seen since - splitting off to look into and try to halt this menace as any true Bladesinger would, the party returns and collects their reward from the hall, spending their first of many nights inside of their new space below the Pearl Jam.  

Doing the Boardwalk

Session 6 - Intro and Downtime

The party spent the next few weeks in Boardwalk, adventuring, taking lessons, working, and otherwise becoming attuned to the island of Haven. Sometime along this montage, the party meets a local drunkard bard working the docks by the name of Winslow "The Wise", and with nothing better to do in his miserable life, he joins the winnowing party of April, Malech, and Whiteclaw. Winslow is convinced by hecklers that his... selection of bardic tales are generic and far too sad, far too often, and decides to travel alongside his drinking buddies Malech The Scorned and Whiteclaw of Tanna to venture out to a nearby ruin. His motivations being, in part, to expand his repertoire to add a local adventurous tale, but also, in secret, hoping they will also aid him one day soon.   A few nights before they all venture out, April meets Winslow for the first time, having just learned how to use tailors tools from an intensive three week course by the Guild of The Planks and agrees that he would be a welcome addition - never one to say no to a good time in good company or to a good dungeon dive. Squeeks the Moon Druid stays behind, electing to take the 8 week course instead - still waiting for their friend Ruvyn "Shopkins" Morsys to return from their Goblinoid scouting. All of them sit together than night and meet in merriment for various reason but one common theme of comradery in the face of adventure.

Character(s) interacted with

Feat players:

April Airlez, Malech The Scorned, Whiteclaw of Tanna, and newcomer Winslow "The Wise" .
Report Date
17 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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