The Ruins of Knowledge - Intros and Delve Quest

General Summary

Lore, Loot, or Loss, to the West!

Session 6 Continued - Intro Quest

Within the next few days, the four members of the party had finally decided to go to the Ruins of Knowledge on the Edge of the Stillwater Lowlands, they sat in The Pearl Jam, planning their approach, finishing their celebration of April Airlez's certification, and enjoying a hearty meal when a stunning Moon Elf known as Ashera of The Moon walked in. She captured April's attention instantly and Malech's hidden jealousy of all those that catch April's attention came fourth in the worst of ways. Ashera antagonized Malech, but neither truly started this conflict, as Ashera was merely defending April's right to look at who she pleases. Malech and Whiteclaw of Tanna leave in a fit, and as they march with fervor, Malech's racism for elves, for his Drow ancestors, for those that abandoned him to this Infernal Legacy... to those enchanting folk that take April's gaze from him... his racism for elves truly was born, his self-hatred masking those feelings but only intensifying once realizing this.   Malech and Whiteclaw leave without the party, and Whiteclaw continues to help quell Malech's scorn. April races after them with Ashera and Winslow accompanying her. Ashera’s reasons are her own, but the journey to the Ruins of Knowledge provided the context into Malech's character through April's eyes for Ashera to see things eye to eye when they joined back up, and April was able to convince Malech to give her a second chance long enough to finish the journey to the ruins so that everyone would be safe.   Reaching an intersection, the party has two paths, one that goes up the cliffside and one that goes alongside the cliff face, the party goes just off the path to the right that goes alongside the cliff, hiding in some underbrush and looking out as much as possible. Whiteclaw scouts ahead, going up along the cliff and although his Tabaxi senses are keen they do not detect the sound or scent of an unknown figure behind him. Whiteclaw suffers a stab from a Wyvern Venom blade and the Eyes of the Eagle he wears are stolen, and the party witnesses it all - though through a terrible angle.   Whiteclaw is close enough to the cliff for them to see, but only shadows catch the assailant's face. Malech is able to run ahead - racing for his friend without hesitation before the party is distracted and pinned as two horses and a large force of well armed bandits is heard and begins to ride past. It is revealed that they are Magehounds lead by a loud but respectfully speaking woman and another man who rides off before she addresses the group again. Powerless, they remain, trying to at least gather as much intel as they can.   Malech arrives too late and Whiteclaw's body laid there, still, stiff, pointing to the Southwest. The party below began to pay attention and listened to the exchange between the two individuals on horses, addressing the large force of bandits - some having come from inside the ruin. And after the two of them left, there was some conversation heard from the lingering bandit and the only name was mentioned as “Jessica Hozrum” before April, Ashera, and Winslow were spotted, initiating combat with these ruffians.   Still on the cliff and away from view, Malech gathered up Whiteclaws body and carried it for some time, before reaching the edge of the cliffside, a few miles away from where some construction had began. He spent some time burying Whiteclaw and in his remorse he dove into the sea, the crashing tides caressing the cliffs as they catch and swallow him into the drink. April and the others don't know what became of him, but he did not die from this fall, fate, if that is what you could call it, brought him into the throws of another's tale, for a time at least. April and Winslow thought them only to have gone back to Boardwalk.   After fending off those Magehounds that had scouted them out and some reinforcements that had emerged from the ruin itself, the remainder of the party, April, Winslow, and Ashera, rested until morning. Ashera had moved the bodies with April's help though, obscuring them and their camp from the entrance of the ruins. Luckily, there was no interruptions as a result and by the next morning, Ashera had left the party with a note telling them that she had gone home to Hanan Ce'Vesh to the Northwest and is interested in helping find out more about these Magehounds, but is not akin to the hunting and nature bits of adventuring.  

Rizzlenordext the Wild Beckons

Session 7 - Intro & Dungeon Delve

Then, after reading the note Ashera of The Moon left, the party looks up and, in perfect view, sees a dwarf starting to walk along the trail overhead the ruins where Whiteclaw had been slain, Malech already gone with his friend's corpse, the party still none the wiser. The dwarf is very friendly, and more than willing to help the party without anything in return. His name is unintelligible, but his heart is pure. After some conversation, exchanges of names, and a bit of curiosity, this barbarian, with such sincerity that it seemed sarcastic, asked if the party was coming along or not and ran headlong into the ruins with the hoy that comes with having chicken.   Winslow was able to halt this Rizzlenordext The Wild with hurried words, and after waiting to cast his detect magic spell, then had long enough to witness and disarm an Alarm spell on the inner door to the ruins with a newly learned Dispel Magic. Rizzle nodded in thanks and ran forward yet again, while the party looted the room of the bookshelves and crates that both the acolytes of the ruins of old had left and the bandits had strewn about. Rizzle was able to spring all the traps within the ruins without anyone getting hurt, and the party sailed through before reaching a large double door made of steel studded wood. The party sat there before entering the room, resting in the armory the bandits had set up, and took a short rest – looting one weapon of any kind they might want, before discovering the Mage that led this band of troublemakers. A deadly battle ensued and the party found accolades in the forms of potions aplenty, lore, and some more seals of the guilds in the area to return - these ones on fresh bodies.   April and Winslow were the only two remaining from the journey, Rizzle did not walk with the party but instead wandered back into the woods – perhaps to help another group of adventurers, but it is for us to question and not to know. The journey back was down the same that Malech had walked while carrying Whiteclaw's bodies and guiding their panther companion... April and Winslow came across Whiteclaw's panther curled up and at rest, and finally knew the truth, Malech's helm of dread resting atop his friends makeshift grave... The rest of the journey back along the cliffside would be quiet were it not for the crashing of the waves below. The same waves, April realized, Malech was like swallowed by, always musing that in another life they would have liked to be a pirate.   April woke up in their shared room that night, lonely with just the two of them and Squeeks, who had moved in after Shopkins' extended journey, but Winslow was just happy to have a space for the night, as he was not always the best bard. They missed Malech and Whiteclaw dearly and that night was solemn, for April particularly so, but it was a way of life that Winslow had become accustomed to from their past. All April could hope for is that the lore she came across about and from a great alchemist of old known as Francios, would help her in some way one day and the tomorrow would be better than today.
Report Date
17 Sep 2022
Primary Location


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