Major events

  • 1494

    4 Flamerule

    6 Flamerule

    Map Stolen

    The map to the "Isle" was stolen from the Seatower in Baldurs Gate. The party was able to track down the thieves in the undercity and recover the map. The party also befriended a local clan of kobolds living in the undercity.

  • 1494

    7 Flamerule

    Brine Departs Baldurs Gate

    Party departed Baldurs Gate with a plan to stop in the Moonshaes

  • 1494

    8 Flamerule

    Arrival in Diyun

    The party arrived in the port city of Diyun. Here they made contact with Olsan Ravaric and Peter Eichlen, Karthos's mentor and his newly assigned squier. Olsan warned Karthos that he is still a wanted man. While exploring the city, Eadlyn managed to convince the young gnomish artificer, Eickland Hreft, to enchant her axe with a return spell.

    More reading
    The "Wizards" Tower
  • 1494

    9 Flamerule

    The Burning of Diyun
    Military action

    Goblins invaded Duyin, starting fires and killing civilians wherever possible. Almost all of the Goblin forces were killed, along with 2 dragon wyrmlings. The party defeated a warband, freed a Brass dragon, and saved Eickland's lighthouse from the "Source" hitting a feedback loop. The party also found a hell hound puppy.

    More reading
  • 1494

    18 Flamerule

    Megaladon Caught
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Revius caught a young megaladon while fishing. The party worked together to kill it, providing fresh food and plenty of crafting supplies for the future.

    More reading
  • 1494

    26 Flamerule

    Sahuagin Ambush
    Military action

    The Brine was ambushed by a small group of Sahuagin warriors. The Sahuagin tried to pull the Brine into a coral reef. After defeating the sahuagin warriors, Sam was able to find an underwater cave they were using to store their stolen treasures, and he brought what he found in the cave out to the boat.

  • 1494

    2 Eleint

    Arrival in Enderthell

    The party arrived to much celebration in the port of Enderthell, within a cave harbor in the southern portion of the Island. After meeting the Governor of the colony, Ringrinthrain, the party discovered that the colony's ship had been sunk, but that one survivor remained stranded on the Island.

  • 1494

    3 Eleint

    6 Eleint

    Saving Aratmon

    After leaving port to try to rescue Aratmon, the party found their way along a river to a massive lake at the bottom of the western mountains. Along the way, the party discovered that the wildlife on this portion of the island is all massive. The party also ran into a pair of young griffons, but Karthos was able to appease them with a pack of food. Later, the party saw massive Griffons, with wingspans of at least 60 feet hunting massive Aurochs. The journey took them 3 days. On the third day, they found Aratmon, who they learned is missing his right leg.

    Giant Griffon
  • 1494

    8 Eleint

    Kylress, Voice of the Wind
    Military: Battle

    After travelling with Aratmon for a day, the party met the Ancient Blue Dragon Kylress while hiding in a cave. The party "Befriended" Kylress, and learned that he was attacked long ago. The party fought with Kylress against an initial attack of Griffons and later a fight with a giant eagle and some sort of undead enemies. After defeating the enemy, Kylress shared the location of his Hoard with Camellia and told the party that he expected them to return to aid him in recovering his flight once they found themselves capable.

    The Isle
    Undead Ooze
    More reading
    Giant Eagle
  • 1494

    9 Eleint

    23 Eleint

    Return To Enderthell

    After saving Aratmon, the party returned to Enderthell. While they rested and recovered from their excursion on the Island, they made a short journey away from the Island to contact Ulder Ravengard to give a status update, and request that their payment be sent on the next ship to the Island. During this time, Camellia was officially made a researcher of Enderthell, granting her access to laboratory and mining operations of the explosive crystals.

  • 1494

    30 Eleint

    15 Marpenoth

    Exploring Caves Under the Isle
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party set out to explore the extensive cave systems around Enderthell. In doing so, they found the remains of a ancient temple, and met two fey creatures of note. A one-eyed, gnome-like thing who stood no taller than Karthos's boots, and thouroughly enjoyed the fact that Karthos alone could not understand him. He provided Camellia and Karthos with puzzle boxes. They also met Kal, a panther-like Fey creature who the party learned can turn invisible, project his voice from remote locations and really seems to enjoy tormenting the party along with walnut.   Later explorations in the area lead to contact with a ape-like race of people who have been fighting "the darkness" for millenia. They have a village of sorts in the ruins of a fortress that appears to share similar architectural features to the temple they found.

    The Isle
  • 1494

    25 Marpenoth

    Arrival of Ships from Baldur's Gate
    Gathering / Conference

    One of the two ships that was supposed to bring new resources for the colony of Enderthell, as well as the payment for the party, arrived at Enderthell. They reported that they were attacked by pirates. Most of the crew and passengers from the other boat were captured. Erick Under the Wood reported being shot by an enchanted musketball that made him sleep. He was very worried about the capturing of his Fiance Natalie.   Horrified by the tragedy and desiring the pay they were promised, the party set out to rescue their loot, Natalie, and the other people who were captured.

  • 1494

    29 Marpenoth

    6 Uktar

    Arrival in Whale Bones and destruction of the Pirate Base
    Military: Battle

    After the party headed to the Whalebones based on advice from Draic and the reports of the pirate attack, they were able to find that the Whalebones had been suffering greatly from some sort of spreading corruption affecting the sea life. They also learned of a figure calling himself the "Pirate King" who was recruiting people for his crew. Sam infiltrated as an interested recruit while the rest of the party followed in from a distance.   When they arrived at the pirates' base of operation, they learned that the prisoners were being experimented on to try to modify them like many of the sea monster/human abominations they had seen and fought against. Most of the prisoners were freed, but many of the men perished. The party also wiped out the pirate encampment, burning dozens alive in the tavern, and killing the rest in a large battle. There was a single pirate survivor, an odd "fisherman officer" named Shem. He decided to join the party in their adventures.

  • 1494

    8 Uktar

    18 Uktar

    Visit to the Moonshaes
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party visited the Moonshaes. While there, they found and entered a Moonwell during a special festival. Eadlyn learned of a legend of an axe high atop a nearby mountain. The party travelled to this mountain, and spent several days climbing to the summit. They faced many challenges, from constant threat of mountain wolves, a grey render they managed to befriend, and trials that the mountain brought forth. When they reached the top, they met the Crown Prince of the Moonshaes, and allowed him and his followers to take the Storm Axe that Eadlyn sought after. As the prince left, he told them that he would gladly accept their aide in his camp.   The party continued to the peak, where they found and entered another Moonwell, looking for more answers about the Ilse, the bond between Karthos and Camellia, and themselves.   Before returning to the isle, they met an orphaned boy with some sort of natural magical connection to the sea, who asked to join them and see the world.