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Ænon Hadal

Ænon Hadal

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean, Muscular

Body Features

Defined musculature but not thickly built, Has scales most prominent on his left arm and pectoral, going up the side of his head, these are teal, fading to a truer blue on his head, with bioluminescent spotting smattered throughout.

Facial Features

Chiselled jaw, full lips, and a strong nose that lay have been broken during a few spars or fights, subtly sharp teeth

Identifying Characteristics

Forhead adornment made of a carved shark's tooth, belly button piercing made of turquoise.

Physical quirks

Greenish blue scales which shift in color in the light, tattooed "third eye" lines around the forehead adornment made of shark's tooth, gills on side of torso instead of on neck

Special abilities

Astral Monk arms are ghostly, dark blue tentacles with orange accents/ patterns on them.

Apparel & Accessories

Shell adorned shoulder netting, Pants, made of long, treated panels of kelp, forhead shark's tooth adornment; turquoise belly ring, gifted from Ezma.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up raised by a single mother until he was four, when his mother dissapeared. He spent a long time caring for himself, Until Master De Leon found him and brought him to the monastery to be raised and educated.

Gender Identity

Male; Heterosexual


Demisexual: No sexual feelings until he has growna close personal relationship.


Undersea monastery (Blue Gate Sanctum gained a basic education; learned the traditions of the Astral Self   Mother: Gave him an elementary upbringing


free as a bird right now, commited to protecting Ezma

Mental Trauma

The loss of his mother The treatment of the city/town dwellers that he lived near Lack of childhood friends, besides his pet shark pup

Intellectual Characteristics

Not super book smart, very naive to the intricate details of humanoid social rules, but He is literate, and knows the basics to money handling and the likes.

Morality & Philosophy

Neutral good: if someone is truly in need or requires defense, he is happy to jump in and provide that. He is trusting to a fault; and though he is aware people can be cruel, he doesn't enjoy treating others as if that is their default state.


Harming others for sport or pleasure ignoring others in need when you are in a position to help betraying other's trust abandoning those you care for

A sweet, naive, handsome young man with a hopeful view of the world despite being an outcast in his childhood. He is often naive to the nuances of common society.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Residence
The Blue Gate Sanctum
Orange with blue near the pupil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue with teal scales
Known Languages
Common; Aquan; (Learning Elven from Ezma)

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The Night of The Archives (Waldenstone)

Met with Master DeLeon for the evening. He spent the day with the queen, who looked kind of Jealous when he left to go drinking with me. I told him some stuff that we had been through the past couple of days, and I hope no one heard the deets. He carried me back like a potato sack.   After words, I spent some time in my deep bath, relaxing at the bottom.  

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Trials of Mask

Sarvus: God of stars, wisdom, divination. we are in a trial, and he is depicted in this trial, in a room full of incense in a confessional   we found the thieves guild council in a conference room of sorts after completing the trials.   Slavery in this city is Illegal both above and under ground   The Exchange older aged leader: Harpy, leads The Flock guild, Illegal movement and migration of people   slightly younger woman, greyed out eye: General, Deals with the resistance. Hired Mercs Knows that Fakoury and Port Joy have had an increase of contracts.   there are two empty chairs at this meeting   Cloak: is missing from this table. could   Dagger: also missing from this meeting; is the woman we met   Turf: Head of material goods with Surf   THEY DIDN'T KNOW ONE OF THE INVISIBLE HAND WAS MISSING   Surf: Can't be there. Partner in the smuggling business, cant walk on land so cant be there, but is her equal (purple lady)   People are worried about dagger, some people feel betrayed by her absence; the older women are the ones who are worried   Margrave is the name of Cloak   Llewella: Part of the Moon Runner's Thieves guild. Juicy new secret   young boy missing; posters have been getting taken down. the young boy is Harpy's grandson; he was showing signs of magical capability; has been missing for a few months now; posters taken down over night. His mother is also missing, but she has shown no magical capability.   lost 11 trails of fakoury people.   found a path in the tunnels that leads out. followed tracks in the forest, found clothing tears through the forest                    

Helm's Temple and Davin's Port
17th of Mvor

We've been in Davin's Port for two days now, and we happened to hit the temple of help to introduce Yasha and get some rare mushrooms. we met up with Head of the temple, who is Yasha's best friend's dad. it turns out they aren't very close, judging by how often he ignores his daughter's letters. anyways, he took us up there, and Yasha hit a button that summoned a REALLY worked up angel. and we fought for a bit. and then an avatar of CYRIC???? masquerading as a child showed up and stabbed the Preist. and we revived him. and he got stabbed again. and we revived him. again. and he got stabbed. again. well, you see how its going. aaaanyways, I hit the avatar really hard REALLY fast. and he decided he was gonna go away. and we revived him again. and THIS time, he stayed alive. then we met up with the angel who decided to be human for a bit. we went drinking all together after, and met up with Ez's home friends. then we all decided to go skinny dipping in the ocean and that was a lot of fun. ice cold and refreshing!   Temple's Ancestor Basin:   A branch to the enclosed sea large strong, alive   second, reaches towards somewhere in Midcrest. Bright???   third branch, dim, enclosed sea   fourth branch, strong, tip of Northcrest; Fakoury: glows with a phantom light, kind of strange and ominous   branch in Southcrest, five trees, strong     I...Have...FAMILY??? ALIVE???? mom is still alive, so that's a relief.   According to The Priest of Helm, this temple is older than Davin's Port.   we saw a thief running from the chef's crypt with their fancy magic utensils. They said they would help restore magic to it, or someone they knew would. We followed to figure out whats going on. We met a tiefling woman who harvests mosses for paints

The Journey to Waldenstone
12 of Shau, 2205 AC

On our Journey to Waldenstone, we stopped at an outpost called Obsidian Outpost. I had made friends with a Guard named Lonet (Pronounced lynette). Doric's Husband lives here, so we should be here for at least a day. We met him, his name is Bartholomew. He seems to be a very stern man, but to be fair, Val messed with him first, Haha. We heard about Brim, a man who speaks to the magma. He calls it his wife? Im dunno if the magma is like the Deep One. I hope it isn't.

An Ancient Dwarven tomb
3rd of Banros

We have been underground for a while. When we first got down here, hunting spiders for the town above, I fell into a spider's den. not long after that, and the gang rescued me. after that, and we got some spider corpses to bring back to town. we found a safe space to rest, and took a tea that allowed us to see our ancestors. I met my father and grandmother, and learned that my family has been hunting the Deep One for many generations.   We started heading back to the surface and found an ancient Dwarf tunnel system. it seemed to be a tomb as well as a mining area. we tripped an alarm that was meant to keep intruders out, but no traps were tricked. when we got down to the lower levels of this tomb, we found a workshop, with Frelse like constructs and a temple to Gond. I left a small shell bracelet I made on Gond's alter.   In another room, we found a doorway dedicated to a grand advisor named Daerun.

A Secret City

While we were travelling, we found a cave that led to an underground Drow town called Fallbeck, lit by glowing stones. I've never seen a city like this and entering, I was in Awe of this town. Who would have known that. There are three pillars of Queen's Court: That glowing stone that lights the city. pelts down here are rare, and we sold them for two bundles of silken rope and a ring made of Queens Court. The stone makes me uneasy. We found a follower of the Queen, named Lolth, and learned that she died for her people. I will not wear any of the stone, as it is considered unlucky, but mainly out of respect for Her followers. There is a lift at the far end of the town, that takes 3 days to go down and up. we came up from the town to sleep and grab floof, setting up camp for the night.   Ezma mentioned that the Deep One was massive, so massive that she didn't even know the scale of the creature, with giant tentacles and a hive mind effect. She says that Mystra's journal mentions very little of the Deep One.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

A lot to Process
26th of Lethandros

After gaining the Golden Staff and escaping the BURNING theater, AEnon has a lot to process. He learned that the founder of Port Joy, Westley Von Dronell, was his ancestor, and he now wields his staff. He knows now that it is meant to deal with Elementals of great power, the Deep One in Particular. His mother said this staff will lead him to her. What could that mean?   He has also learned that Frelse has lived for a thousand years and is actually made of metal. they slept for thousands of years, surrounded by their rusted brethren. He finds this to be a rather sad fact and would love to help Frelse find more of their kind, if they so wished.   AEnon is mulling over the implications once more of what it means that Master DeLeon was not always a Triton. He was an elf, with a brother once, and his brother was married to Alura and passed away. They were a group of adventurers once.   He also bonded with his staff, which very much feels like family to him, even though it is an object. He understands why Westly would not part with it if one was not family that earned it.   Within the Hidden door in the University was an airtight Library full of ancient books. AEnon did his best to find anything about the deep one but did not find anything specific. He learned of many deep-sea creatures, huge, deadly, and terrifying. The section he found may be where he would find the information in the future, if the door ever appears again.   GETTING TO THE LOCKWELL ESTATE:   We got into the estate and out with no problems. We retrieved a ledger with four deeds, a book of city tactics and maps, including this city, and Ada's Journal. On the way back, we heard screaming in the distance...

Mystery at The Theater
23rd of Lythandros

Eleanor: Daughter of the proprietor of the Eclipse theater.   Kass: Owner of the Eclipse Theater   Stag Witmore: The investigator looking into the disappearances in the theater people have been disappearing at the Eclipse theater. Drug dealer/maker is suspected.   Mal: one of the people who disappeared. a showgirl. went missing a week a go Was very rude to other showgirls, became rude after using powder. Her room is broken and turned over, like someone had a fit. I checked the vanity, and I found a false bottom in a drawer. theres a collection of lollipops in the drawer's bottom. lollipops are a vibrant green, probably drugged. The trunk also had a false bottom. looks like greenish tabaacco Rats seem to be on drugs chased us! this is getting weird. the drug rats are in a box now.     Penelope: showgirl who we asked about Mel.   Lily and Bernard are also missing. Lilly was a cigarette girl, and Bernard was a stagehand     El has given Ezma the keys to the theater.   People that disappeared have been using this stuff called "powder". Seems to be a drug.   Pete was suppose to close up the hole back stage, but the hole is still here.   The rats are looking to protect the drugs, they were told by "the cat" to do so, and when they do they get drugs back.   Kass is in a "big room" beyond the tunnel, pass some water, according to the rats.


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