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Ænon Hadal

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander)
Monk (Astral Self) 8
13 / 49 HP

A sweet, naive, handsome young man with a hopeful view of the world despite being an outcast in his childhood. He is often naive to the nuances of common society.

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of The Isle of Diaspora

Frelse Ænon Ezma
Run by Timeworn
Sun 7th Jul 2024 01:05

The Night of The Archives (Waldenstone)

by Ænon Hadal

Met with Master DeLeon for the evening. He spent the day with the queen, who looked kind of Jealous when he left to go drinking with me. I told him some stuff that we had been through the past couple of days, and I hope no one heard the deets. He carried me back like a potato sack.
After words, I spent some time in my deep bath, relaxing at the bottom.

Ænon's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Mystery at The Theater
    23rd of Lythandros
  2. A lot to Process
    26th of Lethandros
  3. The Journal Entry’s title
    25 Mar 2023 08:59:35
  4. A Secret City
    29 Apr 2023 09:06:36
  5. An Ancient Dwarven tomb
    3rd of Banros
  6. The Journey to Waldenstone
    12 of Shau, 2205 AC
  7. Helm's Temple and Davin's Port
    17th of Mvor
  8. The Trials of Mask
    27 Jan 2024 10:28:31
  9. The Journal Entry’s title
    07 Jul 2024 01:05:18
  10. The Night of The Archives (Waldenstone)
    07 Jul 2024 01:05:19

The major events and journals in Ænon's history, from the beginning to today.

mossy grove moss varieties purple moss: Amethyst glow light green: Hay stash dark green: pine fuzz

11:01 pm - 13.01.2024

aged gnome woman: Lady Everflowing; A drama mask shaped like a lion Half Orc Woman: Lady Stormbringer; her crest is a great sword and Warhammer with a lion in the middle, members of the crown or a guild of the crown, these are solid gold.

12:42 am - 24.09.2023

QUeen Ama Stoutguard

12:25 am - 24.09.2023

king glarfuid conecrusher is the king of the dwarven kingdoms

12:24 am - 24.09.2023

The dwarves are waiting at crowns guild inn

01:34 am - 10.09.2023

Brimm's wife is named Hestia

02:31 am - 03.09.2023

Brimm kind of freaks me out-- he kept calling zap my wife and the tried to touch them, which is uncool. Then I saw him kiss the lava, his wife?????? And it met his lips and didn't burn him. Thats nuts. I need some fresh air.

02:17 am - 03.09.2023

Monster derby: Back in the past a bunch of monsters started ascending from the underdark, and the royal Dwarven army fought them off for 40 days and nights. To celebrate the have a derby where they make monster themed carts.

01:18 am - 03.09.2023

Kilin: Random villager I befriended

12:55 am - 03.09.2023

Zalophus: The name of my staff

12:00 am - 25.06.2023

I'm about to meet my ancestors through a special cup of tea! It reminds me of something that Master DeLeon use to drink in the depravation chamber once a month. Was he meeting with his brother???

11:35 pm - 10.06.2023

A lot to Process

After gaining the Golden Staff and escaping the BURNING theater, AEnon has a lot to process. He learned that the founder of Port Joy, Westley Von Dronell, was his ancestor, and he now wields his staff. He knows now that it is meant to deal with Elemen...

09:06 pm - 25.03.2023

Mystery at The Theater

Eleanor: Daughter of the proprietor of the Eclipse theater. Kass: Owner of the Eclipse Theater Stag Witmore: The investigator looking into the disappearances in the theater people have been disappearing at the Eclipse theater. Drug dealer/maker...

09:05 pm - 25.03.2023

It's really hitting for me right now that Master DeLeon isn't a Triton. Should I tell him what I saw next time I see him? Maybe he will know why I saw him in the past specifically.

08:59 pm - 25.03.2023

This city is a mess right now. Theater is on fire, the spotty dog and the rough draft are acting as infirmaries, and the Guards are doing nothing. It's great that Grandpa can't roll in his grave anymore.

11:02 pm - 11.03.2023

Finally, a lead on my mother. I hope this takes me to find her. I hope she is alright...

08:20 pm - 25.02.2023


08:19 pm - 25.02.2023

WHy...Why does this Brother Icarus have dead bodies under his soup kitchen? oh Gods....Does he know?

01:15 am - 05.02.2023

This Bernard guy seems to have been leading a sad life. It's pretty upsetting to see a person's life self-destruct and seeing the echo of his life before.

10:57 pm - 28.01.2023

Someone stole my coin purse. I hope whoever took it really needs it, at least!

12:50 am - 22.01.2023

Bernard's family up and left the city. I hope we find him. Hopefully we can get him on the mend, and he can patch things up with his family!

12:47 am - 22.01.2023

Port Joy doesn't seem to care for the people living on the edges of the city. This is as dissapointing as when Val told us people were always out to get us here. Its a sad way to have to live.

12:42 am - 22.01.2023

Frelse's ability to stay upright in armor is very cool

12:01 am - 22.01.2023

Mystery at The Theater

Eleanor: Daughter of the proprietor of the Eclipse theater. Kass: Owner of the Eclipse Theater Stag Witmore: The investigator looking into the disappearances in the theater people have been disappearing at the Eclipse theater. Drug dealer/maker...

12:50 am - 15.01.2023

Sindemere? Is this Val's middle name or something?

10:31 pm - 14.01.2023

Frelse: The mysterious knight in full plate armor. They seem interesting, but I do not know what to make of them.

10:19 pm - 14.01.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ænon.