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The "King" of the Quakewraiths


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shadowsnare is absolutely gargantuan, even when compared to the norm of his species, which is usually between what is considered half to a quarter of his size. He is the absolute pinnacle of what can be considered monster sized, being the largest ever Quakewraith in the species's history by a large margin.

Body Features

He is roughly 850 feet from nose to tail, and about 230 feet at the top of his head while his horns bring his height up to 300 feet on all fours. His wings span about 1700 feet when fully extended. Is covered in scars all across his body, which are protected by a thick, black metallic shell of armored plates which are notoriously hard to damage because of their makeup.

Facial Features

Has a set of gray horns that jut out just above his eyes and behind his brow.

Identifying Characteristics

Has two easily identifiable scars, one that goes across the bridge of his nose down to the left, ending where the bridge of his nose meets the top part of his jaw, and another scar that comes up from the bottom part of his jaw on the left side, up to the bottom of his mouth.

Physical quirks

He is in fact semi aquatic, and can filter water through the gaps in his plates in order to absorb oxygen.

Apparel & Accessories

Can't wear clothing as a dragon but has the decency to wear simple clothing when polymorphed.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Male (he/him/they)


Straight until proven otherwise

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Is typically passive.

Vices & Personality flaws

He can come off as disinterested or grumpy, which is entirely the case when he is bothered or annoyed. He can get extremely aggressive towards those he despises, and has been known to display extremely violent tendencies when under stress


Contacts & Relations

On good terms with a majority of the other dragons that inhabit the isles, and makes friends easily.

Family Ties

Father (Quakewraith), Mother (Abyssian), Five unnamed siblings.

Wealth & Financial state

Has an appropriately sized draconic hoard in an undisclosed location, he does not seem to feel the need to flaunt it in any way.
Chaotic Good to Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
728 ME 40 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in a clutch of five to a Quakewraith father and an Abyssian mother
The Unsung Isles
Current Residence
Azure, draconic
N/A as a dragon, black hair styled into dreadlocks when polymorphed into a human
300' by 850' ft (91.44 by 259.08 m)
Unknown (approx. 13,000 metric tonnes)
Known Languages
Common, Draconic

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Character Portrait image: by DeviousDoctor


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