Antola Pilark

Great Druid

Antola Pilark is a halfling Great Druid, ally of House Kendrick and leader of the United Moonshae's druidic armies in the Moonshae Isles in the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR.   Antola Pilark is an ancient being, though she appears to be untouched from time.    Antola has a kind demeanor but is a fierce combatant and tactician. She has an animal companion in the form of a Moray hound.   When not on the field of battle, she can be found working to restore natural order in the Dernal Forest
Current Status
Investigating a disturbance in the newly restored Moonwell in the Dernall Forest
Current Location
Earth Mother - Chauntea
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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