United Moonshae Isles (Moonshavians)

Ruling nation lead by House Kendrick. Currently in control of Aloran, Snowdown with partial control of settlements in Moray, Korrin Archipelago and some minor islands.

High King Derid Kendrick is the current ruler of the realm, belonging to the long line of the Kendrick family who have held the position of high king for generations. The Kendrick lineage traces back to the time when Chauntea, the goddess of agriculture and nature, anointed the first high king, bestowing upon them a deep connection to the earth mother's grace.
Traditionally, the Kendrick rule has been marked by a close relationship with nature and a deep respect for the balance of the natural world. They fostered a society that embraced the beauty of the land and nurtured a harmonious coexistence with the environment. The realm flourished under their reign, benefiting from the bountiful blessings of Chauntea.   However, in recent times, there has been a noticeable shift in the realm's values and actions. While the Kendricks had expanded their territory through conquest, the realm has become more harsh and disconnected from its natural roots. The once-nurturing society seems to have grown cruel and distant, straying from the principles that guided them for generations.  Many a rumor have sprouted as to whether the enactments and laws are even being dictated by the King himself   High King Derid Kendrick, as the current ruler, holds the responsibility of guiding the realm through these turbulent times. He is faced with the challenge of reconciling the realm's newfound aggression with its historical connection to the earth mother's grace. Derid must navigate the delicate balance between expansion and preserving the realm's natural harmony, all while addressing the concerns of his subjects and the growing unrest within the realm.


  • Snowdown
  • Alaron

Full Diplomatic Alliance

The Lehay (on behalf of the Llywerr as well) and Ffolk signed their ends of the historic United Peace Accords following the marriage of Prince Araithe of the Leshay and Princess Tarilyn Kendrick of the Ffolk.   Many competing factions on both sides are unhappy with their region's crown being so close to a non preferred race.

Articles under United Moonshae Isles


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