Chrysalis Settlement in The Isles of Moonshae | World Anvil

Chrysalis (The Hidden City)

Before the return of Lady Ordalf, and even before Ffolk or Northlander trod the soil of Gwynneth, the Llewyrr elves made the island their home.    In modern times, the Llewyrr elves moved to a mountain valley they call Synnoria and became isolationists. They hid the beautiful city of Chrysalis beneath a veil of illusions, hiding themselves away from all others.    Very recently, some elves from the Llewyrr have turned up at cities and large towns in the Moonshaes. They share nothing about the political or economic status of their home. They talk only of culture, asking many questions and answering none. What is happening in Chrysalis, where it is and what it means to the rest of the Moonshae Isles, remains to be seen.
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