Iron Keep

The Iron Keep was the ancestral home of the Northlander rulers of Oman. Built from the foundations of an existing Ffolk castle, the Iron Keep was altered by the Northlanders to serve their purposes. Accessed from the most suitable bay for docking ships, the Iron Keep became the name of both the fortress and the town that grew around it. At the height of its power, Thelgarr Ironhand occupied Iron Keep as the Jarl of Oman.   Not long after his death, the giants of Oman, spurred on by the newly arrived fomorians, organized an assault on the civilized settlements of the island. One by one the towns and villages fell, despite the efforts of the forces of House Kendrick and the Northlanders. Finally, the Iron Keep fell as well, giving the giants dominion over Oman. The Iron Keep is now in ruins. The giants ruling Oman have gifted the formerly glorious stronghold to an ettin shaman called Hathfell. The ettin and his small company of ogre and orc followers are tasked with making sure that no forces attack and regain the Iron Keep. The bay has been trapped to keep large vessels from safely docking. However, Hathfell has become complacent and might be caught by surprise if a small force infiltrated the Iron Keep using stealth and swimming ashore.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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