
Nymmurh is a well known ancient bronze dragon that travels the Isles of Moonshae (Alaron especially) in the form of an old bearded sage. Known for being summoned to the metallic dragon's council and those of both Ffolk and LeShay, many have come to trust the great wyrm's council.   Personality     Nymmurh was granitic in his beliefs that humanity were better than metallic dragons. His thinking was simple: metallic dragons were created by Bahamut to do good and they must not turn away from that, but lesser species could freely choose to be good. He looked to the Harpers and the Order of the Gauntlet as two examples of his theory.   History   For a long time, Nymmurh protected the noble Waterdeep family of Silmerhelve, to the point that he showed affection to members of the family, as exemplified by Dala Silmerhelve. He apparently chose the Silmerhelve family at random in 1032 DR and over time Nymmurh manipulated the family's members into being kinder, gentler, and slower to act. Sometimes he appeared in front of Silmerhelve members, usually once a generation, as a long-dead ancestor returned from the grave (usually as the mad Lady Saerista Silmerhelve).   During a Dracorage, Nymmurh accidentally teleported himself into the Plane of Mirrors. Since then, he became obsessed with the race known as the nerra. For reasons uknown, the great dragon then decided to take up residence in the Moonshae, frequently appearing at the archipelago's most important moments. His great fame and power held him in high regard with all the nations of the Moonshae, known for keeping truly neutral he often was consult between the Leshay and Gywnneth's former inhabitants, the Ffolk.   An adventuring band sent by the Council of Waterdeep may have convinced Nymmurh to ally with humanoid races in order to stop a Cult of Bane's plot.   Since the Night of Betrayal and as High King Derid grows in militancy, Nymmurh has both been seen less in Alaron and when in public, escorted by the King's men....a vexing development to the great wyrm.


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