Caer Callidyrr   The High King resides at the center of the stronghold Caer Callidyrr with his loyal servants. The capital city of Callidyrr, sandwiched between the Dernall Forest to the south and the Fairheight Mountains to the north, has always acted as the center of culture and trade for the High King’s domain.  Recently however, the docks and bay have been a mix of chaos as new trade from the liberated Snowdown arrive with refugees and prisoner blend with a palpable fear of new laws and political instabilities.   With so much fear and uncertainty assailing House Kendrick from all directions, most of Alaron's troops have been called back to protect Caer Callidyrr and the immediate surroundings.   Demographics   70% Ffolk, 15% Northlander, 10% Halfling (in Hilltown), 3% Elf, <1% All others   Government   Monarchy under King Derid Kendrick   Defences   King Derid's rule is enforced by the Perceptors and Spears first, then the Caer Callidyrr City Guard, while a single 1st Spear keeps his white-towered castle safe. Commander Urio Cornec leads the armed forces of the city, but in truth, the city is now under control of the Perceptors. The city is defended by high stone walls, though not all quarters of the city are within them. The castle is placed atop a tall hill, and has a separate set of well built inner and outer walls.


  • Caer Callidyrr

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