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Kozakura is an archipelago nation found several hundred miles to the east of Shou Lung Empire , and to the south of Koryo. The current factual head of government is the shogun. In theory, he runs a feudal society, but outside of the capital his power is mostly symbolic. Political intrigue and war is common as the great families of Kozakura seek to outmaneuver each other in their bid for power and wealth.   
The shogun is Tanekawa Okawa. The largest island, Shinkoku, is roughly in the center of the archipelago, and is also home to the current imperial capital, Doiyu.
The island Empire of Kozakura was founded by Emperor Miki late into the Omi Wars when the land was not yet “discovered” by the Shou and Wa nations. The land of Kozakura was inhabited by a wide variety of sea based races and full of beautiful mountains, thick forests and sparkling seas. The majority of the inhabitants live on the main island of Shinkoku, but there are nearly a thousand islands surrounding it.  
The nation is currently in the midst of a civil war between various feudal factions and has not had much contact with outsiders.


1177 SE is marked by the ascent of Emperor Mori of the Akimatsu family to the position of Emperor. His claim to the throne was said to be supported by the gods in displays of divine power. He made his claim based on the support of many of the other families, which had been won through military might and a system of diplomacy that was largely based on strategic weddings of Akimatsu family women into other clans. Emperor Mori originally held court and centered his government in the city of Fukama.  
Akimatsu family moved the imperial capital to Dojyu on the Dai Plain in order to have a closer economic foundation for their power base in 1764 SE. As a result of the constant expansion of the Akimatsu family, eventually several branches split from the Imperial line. Most of these cousins sought to control the Emperor through marriage to one of their own daughters, and attempting to manipulate succession to put a child emperor on the throne. In these cases, the regent to the Emperor (sessho) could often take power over the court by controlling appointments, land grants, and taxation. The Honda clan proved to be the most successful at this manipulation and they effectively ran the country through this system of sessho until 2295 SE.  
Over the course of Imperial power, provinces grew more isolated and uncontrolled by the central authority and the landowning families far from court tended to fend for themselves, as help from Doyju took a long time to get and then to arrive. As a result, the provincial families funded their own soldiers for protection and tax collection, and developed an independent attitude. This led to the growth of a military class, and the fact that many landholding lords developed their own private armies contributed to decline in influence of the Akimatsu emperors.  
The Tennu War began in 2284 SE and when the dust had settled in 2295 SE it was the Hojo family who emerged as the most powerful. Forced the Emperor to grant the family head the title of Shogun. From this point on, the real power in Kozakura lay with this military leader, though the Emperor continued to hold his position in Dojyu. In the following year the Shogun set up an alternate government center in the city of Masakado. Maintained a careful pretense of obedience to the emperor as the common folk believed in the Emperor's divine right to rule.
In 2392 SE, the Wizard Ch'u tei Zao and Goboro the Lame engage in a murderous duel of sorcery. So great are their powers that one stands atop Mount Kaza and the other on the neighboring peaks of Dagoryama. For an entire the sky in the area is changed to a horrid violet-green. The villages, fields, and forest between the two are burned to cinders. the 237-year-old feud apparently ends with the climatic explosion of the peak of Mount Kaza. the site is now called Broken-Dish-Mountain for the shape of the remaining mount. No bodies are found.  
The Hojo War was fought between 2591 SE to 2597 SE, a battle between branches of the Hojo family to determine who would succeed to the shogun's throne. Hojo Todahiro fought supporters of his infant son and lost. So in 2598 SE nine-year old Kawabuko was installed as shogun with his grandfather Takenaka Okawa as regent.
When Shou Lung calls for assistance during the Tan Chin invasion, Kawabuko sends warships to take in fleeing people and guard Shou waters from Wa agents.
Geopolitical, Country

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