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Shou Lung Empire

Shou Lung Empire is one of the far east superpowers of the region. The name Shou Lung translates to "Receiver of the Dragon". As the Shou people believed that the Celestial One sent the Nine Great Dragons, or Nine Immortals, into the lands of men. These Nine Great Dragons were believed to hold up the world and move all things by their thoughts. It is thru them that the first Emperor was chosen and spilt to teach the mortals about the Way.    Since that time over two thousand years ago, the Emperor is the face and voice that most citizens hear the will of the Celestial One. As such the Emperor holds a lot of power compared to Nobles in the Empire. No matter what gender the Emperor is, they are always called Emperor Chin in text. This is a call back to the first Emperor of Shou Lung as respect for the past.


The official head of the government is the Emperor, but he/she is aided in their duties by the Chancellor, who executed the Emperor's decrees, oversaw the bureaucracy, and determined what information was worthy of reaching the emperor's ears. A wu jen is the emperor's official court wizard, who advised the Emperor with divinations and dealt with magical threats. The past few years the court wizard and Chancellor seem to be at heads about the role of clockworks in the government. The government is composed of seven ministries: State, War, Magic, Faith, Sea, Agriculture, and Public Works (though there were occasions where the Department of State Security was referred to as the Ministry of State security). It was a meritocratic system; every year the Civil Service Examination held examinations to test candidates for government jobs based on skill and challenges.   Each head of ministry can/have meetings with the Emperor each month to cover issues in the Empire.

Demography and Population

49% Humans, 20% Halfings/Gnomes, 15% Half Elfs, 4% Warforge/Clockwork, 11% Other Races (Noble Emperor Blood Genasi)

Technological Level

The greatest achievement in Shou history is the breakthroughs in Clockwork Technology that was found in the Silver Domes. Gnomes in the ministries of State and Public Works discovered ways to imprint wu jen energy into metal to give it life-like properties. The Schools of Clockworks have became the most sought after schools to get into for learning and political power.   Study in Clockworks has led to the creation of Trains, Warforge, Sentinels and large constructs using wu jen energy. Emperor Mifu Chin shares technology with Wa against the court's wishes.

Foreign Relations

Shou Empire has had many interactions with the Kingdoms surrounding them over the centuries. Most heavy has been the conflicts with Tu Lung to the south which was once a part of Shou Lung lands. The two Empires have a deep hated to each other from the deeds done in the Uncountable Wars period. Today Shou Lung has been focus on internal affairs while keeping a eye on its borders.   Tabot to the west has fought off two invasion attempts from Shou Lung during the early first two Dynasties. Since them Shou & Tabot have become good trading partners to each other. Even trade heads of schools for different wu jen studies.   The barbarians of the Horse-Plain have tried countless times to invade their neighbors, the Shou and T’u Lung, and have been successful on a few accounts, but their victories were often short lived. During the most recent invasion the Tuigan tribes successfully breeched the Dragonwall and devastated many of the northwestern provinces of the Shou Empire. During this invasion, many Shou refugees fled to Faerûn and settled in the Thesk region of the Unapproachable East.   The relations with Wa have been one of betrayals, the Hai Dynasty start the Omi Wars by some accounts, others say Wa started the Omi Wars but ended with Shou capturing the main lands of Wa and losing the Emperor to a Assassin. Be centuries before Wa Lords retake the islands back from Shou rule. In recent centuries Wa didn't assist Shou during the Tan Chin undead invasion unlike its neighbor. By the grace of Emperor Mifu Chin the technology of Clockworks are shared with Wa in exchange the country opens its borders again.   Kozakura relations have been few recorded in History. The fish like people of Kozakura sent warships to resettle citizens that lost homes and land from the invasion of Tan Chin.
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Litchi fruit, ginger, noodles, rice candies, soya sauce, tea, jade gems and rice.
Neighboring Nations

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