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Tabot is a mountainous state founded by monks and barbarians. The monks fled from the oppression of Shou Lung to this mountainous terrain, which contained barbarians, monsters and merciless cold winds. The people of Tabot created their own special culture and customs, and many wise men spent their whole lives in the mountains to learn the truth.


Tabot means roof of the world, and its history starts in 585 SE. Records in Shou Lung says when the first of many wrongly accused temples was dissolved, and its population fled to the south west to the wild and mountainous regions. Many monks were looking for the holy land or place where possible was to retire for reflection. Between 585 and 640 in the mountains of Tabot was founded fortposts many whose inhabitants, trying to avoid encounters with barbarian kings, who owned the land. These years would later be called the Years of Frost as the monks and their families fought to survive in the wild mountains against the weather, monsters, and barbarian kings.   In 646 SE Emperor of Ho Dynasty was sent to Tabot Shou Lung troops in a attempt to conquer the West mountain ranges. The remaining monks united their forces with local tribes, and successfully repelled the Shou Lung marauders in the Battle of Tsagang. Commander of monks Ramar and barbarian king Ohn of Hun Chao will united and founded a new city on the site of their victory. Tabot old nobles signed a treaty with the monks, stating that land occupied by the monks and the people living there become part of the new state Tabot.   The High Lord of Oceans, a six year old boy, single handedly overthrows the nobles of Tabot in 2317 SE and establishes the theocratic government as it is known today. The old Tabot nobles are stripped of their power and reduced to titles and small estates in their former territories. The Council kashag is formed to advise the High Lord of Oceans, composed of one monk and 3 lay peasants. the High Lord of oceans ruled for 82 years, then chose a worthy successor and disappeared into the mountains. Many believe he will return to rule over Tabot in its time of need.    During the Uncountable Wars Era and in the Invasion of Tan Chin Tabot has kept a neutral stance and has only let people fleeing the troubles of the nearby Empires. This has created new towns in the lower altitude of the mountains and growing tension between the immigrants and the barbarian kings.   The Impossible Palace of Silver Domes appears in Tabot in 2638, monks from the nearby monastery retrieves an ancient artifact before the silver domes vanish from the mountain sight. Scholars noted the artifact as a helmet warm to the touch and imparts passion on the holder. Locked away in the Bamboo Forests of Bhutan.

Demography and Population

52% Goliath, 21% Dwarf, 17% Humans, 8% Shifters, 2% Other Races


Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Major Exports
Copper, Bass, furs, and ice
Major Imports
Rice, grain, and steel from Shou Lung and Tu Lung.
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations

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