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The Battle of Crimson Wheat

Military action


The Battle of Crimson Wheat. Shin Ginsen's forces are destroyed, but the victorious Shin Lu's forces are too weak to pursue. Lu returns to the old capital with the Emblems of Imperial Authority and becomes the first Emperor Chin Kuo (Nation) Dynasty. His first directive is to offer to supporters of Ginsen "The Choice of Blades' or flee to the south to the stronghold by Shin Ginsen's nobles. Most chose to flee south.

The Battle of Crimson Wheat is the finale to the Tale of Shin Ginsen and Shin Lu. Which is a tragedy for all to know of.   For the weak willed Sun Ma Chin could never seem to choose a wife from his many concubines. And, as the way of karma wrote events, two of his mistresses became pregnant by him. Both give birth within hours of each other, and both gave Sun Ma Chin sons. One was Shin Lu and the other Shin Ginsen.   Now Shin Lu and Shin Ginsen were both fair to look at, and both reached manhood as tall, powerful princes. And it would be a mistake to take the words of Wei Tsao, who describes Shin Ginsen as the more malleable. Rather, it was that the advice of his courtiers ran along the same paths as his own. For while Shin Lu's mother was of the Wang, and thus gave to him the balanced measure and cool head of her people, Shin Ginsen's blood was that of the Hai Sea Lords, who are hot tempered and arrogant to a fault. It enraged him that his half brother might share his throne, and he began to plot in secret against him.   This is the way of it; Shin Lu at this time loved the lady Tien Shih, of noble birth and a member of the House of Ch'ing Tung. They would take long walks through the Imperial Gardens together, admiring the moon, the stars, and each other. Now Shin Ginsen knew of this, and he arranged a way to encompass his brother's death. Among his friends, Ginsen counted an ambassador to Wa, and this courtier had spoken to him of the feared assassins of the samurai peoples, the ninja. Indeed, two ninja were now counted among the ambassadors' personal retinue. For a small price; say, a provincial governorship, the ambassador was willing...   So it was that as Shin Lu walked with his love in the Imperial Gardens, the hired killers leapt from cover. Before the young Prince could draw sword, they were upon him. But for love of Shin Lu, his Lady Tien threw herself upon the ninja's weapon, saving the Prince. The famous Floating Blade of Shin Lu drank assassin's blood that night, but it was far too late. Now when Ginsen came to the garden to discover his brother's body, he found instead a living Prince, covered with the blood of his dead love. At once, both knew the truth of it, and their hands flew to swords. There in the great open lawns of the Palace they fought, blades flashing silver and crimson in the moonlight, until the Floating Blade slashed Ginsen's face open from eye to jaw. In rage, Prince Ginsen drove his sword once through Prince Lu's chest, and fled into the night. His followers retreated with him, setting the City afire and leaving all within to die. But Shin Lu did not die, and with the sorcerous arts of his White Chung wu jen, he was soon recovered in body, though not in soul. For a dark passion consumed him, and he hungered to have the Floating Blade drink his brother's blood.   And so three years later, they faced each other, across a vast field and with two opposing hosts, at the place called the Plains of Dispute. Here, two mighty armies clashed in mortal combat, until the rivers ran with blood and forever after the grass grew red.This was the Battle of the Crimson Wheat (2315) and by it's bloody end, the power of Shin Ginsen was broken. In rout, his forces fled to the South. To prevent Shin Lu's pursuit, the wizard Kow Tang smote the Southern Road with his staff, and the road shattered from end to end. This is how the Shattered Road was created.   In sorrow, Shin Lu returned to the Capitol. He was crowned there as Emperor of the Kuo (or Nation) Dynasty. His first command was to offer Ginsen's rebellious supporters the Choice of Blades to die at the Emperor's pleasure, or flee to the Southlands and join their deposed Prince. The Floating Blade never drank Ginsen's blood. And Shin Lu died alone after 70 years of rule, the name of his lost love Tien on his lips. As for Prince Ginsen, he was crowned Emperor of the Lui (Green) Dynasty. The land he fled into was named T'u Lung, or Dragon of the Earth, and a newkingdom proclaimed. But cruelty and avarice ruled Ginsen's new empire, and soon destroyed him as well. Betwixt this, and two centuries of war between the Empires, the land of T'u Lung has become like it's founder twisted, evil, and lost before Heaven.

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