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History of Kara-Tur Region

Before Shou Era

  • -637 BSE

    -637 BSE

    Nine Immortals Appear
    Celestial / Cosmic

    First of the Nine Immortals appear in Shou Lung to teach the aspects of the True Path.

  • -630 BSE

    -630 BSE


    Black Leopard Cult Destruction
    Disaster / Destruction

    Black Leopard Cult spreads terror and kidnapping of innocents for use of sacrifices. Hero Tan Chin with his blood brother Kar Wuan ride to fight the cult at the lair. Defeating the cult leader and scattering the cult into the jungles.

  • -115 BSE

    -115 BSE

    Making of the Great Wall
    Construction beginning/end

    The Shou emperor tricks Pao Hu Jen the guardian dragon, into flying to the lands of the horse barbarians. Using the jade mirror the emperor turns Pao Hu Jen into the Great Dragonwall.

Shou Era

Nung Fu first ascended the throne as the Emperor, a simple peasant, who was invested with the Emblems of Authority by the semilegendary nine travelers.

  • 221 SE

    221 SE

    Death of Nung Fu
    Life, Death

    Death of Nung Fu. His great-grandson becomes the first Emperor Chin of the Li Dynasty. (Dynasty of Might)

  • 382 SE

    382 SE

    Unification of Western Provinces
    Diplomatic action

    Unification of the western provinces under the Emblems of Imperial Authority, the emperor's symbols of office.

  • 408 SE

    408 SE

    Gathering of Waters
    Military action

    Seventh Emperor Chin of the Li Dynasty declares "Gathering of Waters", an attempt to bring the land fed by all major river in Shou Lung under the sway of Imperial Authority. Shou Lung armies invade the Fengsintsu valley.

  • 411 SE

    411 SE

    Surrender of Grey Owl Tribes
    Military action

    Surrender of the Grey Owl Tribes in the north secures the present northern boundary of the empire.

  • 414 SE

    414 SE

    Battle of Infinite Darkness
    Military action

    Southern Tribes band together against the emperor, General Wo Can's army routs the southern tribes.

  • 420 SE

    14 Kao II
    420 SE

    16 Kao II

    Battle of Fenghsintsu Temple
    Military action

    Army of General Wo Can of Shou Lung fights and destroys the main temple of the Black Leopard Cult at the mouth of the Fenghsintsu River. The Black Leopard Priest fleds with his remaining followers to the Prioto islands.

  • 435 SE

    435 SE

    18 Garrisons of T'u
    Civil action

    Shou Lung establishes the "18 Garrisons of T'u" in the T'u Lung lands. Bases are instrumental in establishing Shou customs in the south.  Back in the Capital the War of the Nobles begins.

  • 440 SE

    440 SE

    Teachings of the Path of Enlightment
    Cultural event

    Teachings of the Path of Enlightment first appear in the stone bluffs above the mouth of Hungtse River. Meter-high characters were blasted into the solid granite by reddish lightning.  The War of the Nobles ends, the bureaucracy comes into its own.

  • 580 SE

    580 SE

    Dynasty of Peace begins

    Emperor Chin of the Li Dynasty dies without heir. Passes affairs of office to his advisor, who becomes the first Emperor Chin of the Ho Dynasty. (Peace Dynasty)

  • 581 SE

    581 SE

    Organization of Thought
    Political event

    Ho Dynasty proclaims the "Organization of Thought", in which the Path of Enlightenment is the only faith of Shou Lung. Rival faiths battle in bureaucracy, among the people, and on the battlefield as temple militias contest in small civil wars.

  • 585 SE

    640 SE

    Years of Frost
    Population Migration / Travel

    15 temple militias fled persecution in Shou Lung and journey into the mountains of what will become Tabot.

  • 630 SE

    630 SE

    The Time of Sharing Meals
    Life, Death

    First Emperor Chin of Ho perishes mysteriously, along with his son. Grandson becomes second Emperor Chin of Ho and annouces "The Time of Sharing Meals." Temple Militias are outlawed but religious freedom encouraged. Path of Enlightenment still official religion.

  • 631 SE

    631 SE

    Capital Relocated
    Civil action

    The Imperial Capital moves from Hsi-Feng to Hai Sheng (now renamed Kirin).

  • 646 SE

    646 SE

    Tabot Formed

    Alliance of temple militias defeats an invasion of Ho Dynasty troops at Tsagang. Following the battle the Peace Land Treaty between the monasteries and the lowland city states creates the land of Tabot.

  • 830 SE

    830 SE

    Hai Dynasty Founded

    The Last of the Ho Dynasty is humbled before the armies of the maritime Karatin Province. Warlord ascends the throne as first emperor Chin of the Hai Dynasty. (Ocean Dynasty)

  • 856 SE

    856 SE

    Discovery of Wa
    Discovery, Exploration

    Discovery of Wa by Cham Hag, the Mariner. Cham Ko Hag brought before the Emperor Tsuba. Upon leaving he promises to return with gifts from the King(Emperor) of the Western Lands.

  • 858 SE

    858 SE

    Sighting of Giants
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Giants in Grey sighted in the Imperial Compound. Fog follows them where ever they go.

  • 859 SE

    859 SE

    Ivory Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The first Emperor Chin and his household die from the Ivory Plague. The Ivory Plague forces Shou Lung to abort another invasion of Tabot.

  • 869 SE

    869 SE

    Capital Relocated to Kuo Te Lung
    Civil action

    The capital is moved to Kuo Te' lung from Kirin.

  • 970 SE

    976 SE

    The Omi War
    Military action

    Omi War lasts six years ending with the death of the Emperor to the hands of an assassin of Wa on his Flagship.

  • 970 SE

    970 SE

    Scattering of Winds - Omi War
    Diplomatic action

    Pirate activities in the Celestial Sea result in proclamation by sixth Emperor Chin of the Hai Dynasty of the "Scattering of Winds," demanding the warlords of Wa swear fealty to the emperor. They refuse, the emperor begins massing his fleet. Starting the Omi War.

  • 976 SE

    1025 SE

    Cycle of Black Years

    In T'u Lung, this was marked by continual invasions from the south, incursions by petty lords from the north,blights, floods on the Fenghsintzu, and crop failures. Shou Generals battle for control of Shou lands before Wo Mai finds the Emblems of Imperial Authority from the crypts beneath the Imperial City.

  • 1025 SE

    1025 SE

    Founding of Kao (High) Dynasty

    Coronation of Wo Mai, a noble claiming descent from Nung Fu himself. Wo Mai recovers the Emblems of Imperial Authority from the crypts beneath the Imperial City, rallies the armies and other nobles, and crushes the rebellious outlying provinces. Wo Mai becomes the first Emperor Chin of the Kao (High) Dynasty.

  • 1026 SE

    1026 SE

    Kao Dynasty Gains Southern Control
    Military action

    Defeat of the last invading southern tribes by Shou Lung allows the empire to reestablish its control in the south. First mention of the Black Leopard Cult as a secret society working to aid peasants displaced by the warring forces.

  • 1072 SE

    1072 SE

    Opening of Wa
    Military action

    Shou Lung forces return to Wa and begin the reconquest of the island. Distrustful of and uncooperative with each other, the daimyo of Wa are easily broken by the organized forces of the invaders.

  • 1175 SE

    1175 SE

    Ho Dynasty Members Slain by Imperial Decree
    Disaster / Destruction

    Descendents of the Ho Dynasty living in T'u Lung refuse to house the Emperor's troops and take control of the coastal city of Ausa. Shou troops spend four months reducing the city's defences and another two years tracking down and defeating the clan leaders. By imperial decree, most of the Ho clan is slain. Some members survive and reestablish the clan. Shou atrocities during this uprising were widely spread among the barons and population.

  • 1330 SE

    1330 SE

    Battle of the Silver Grasslands
    Military action

    Invasion of the Horse Barbarians. The fifth Emperor Chin of the Kao Dynasty routs them in the Battle of the Silver Grasslands.

  • 1384 SE

    1384 SE


    Shou discovers Kozakura
    Cultural event

    A Shou mariner discovers Kozakura and meets its ruler.

  • 1499 SE

    1499 SE

    Shou discovers Kozakura
    Discovery, Exploration

    The first envoys from Shou Lung arrive at the imperial capital of Fukama. Shou Lung histories refer to this as the "discovery" of Kozakura. Wan Ko Hei notes of the wild natural of the Kozakura people with fish like fins growing off the ears.

  • 1501 SE

    1501 SE

    Wa overthrows Shou Governors on Wa
    Military action

    The Wa warlords overthrow the rulership of their Shou Lung governors, destroying many things Shou Lung in the ensuing rebellion. Civil war rocks the island for more than 200 years before a stable government emerges, but the various petty warlords of Wa present a unified front against the "outland invaders."  In the midst of the final battle, the Giants in Gray are seen watching the carnage.

  • 1503 SE

    1503 SE

    The Unleashing of Shackles
    Diplomatic action

    Emperor declares "The Unleashing of Shackles." Wa is recognized as an independent state, and the tattered remains of the Shou Lung Regiment ofthe Grey Blossom are withdrawn from Wa.

  • 1562 SE

    1562 SE

    Migration to Tenmei
    Population Migration / Travel

    The korobokuran hero, Poiyopepoen, leads the remainder of his people(Firbolgs) in a great migration to Tenmei. There they settle in the deepwoods, hidden well away from the small human settlements.

  • 1761 SE

    1761 SE

    The Revealing of Scrolls
    Cultural event

    The discussion of knowledge is encouraged, and many rival schools are established. The sciences of Astronomy, Alchemy, and Geomancy are in a golden age. Priests of the Path of Enlightenment are dispatched to the far reaches of the globe, setting up shrines as far away as Kozakura. Gnomes in the empire start researching clockworks and other technologyfound in "The Impossible Palace of the Silver Domes".

  • 1881 SE

    1881 SE

    The Wasting Sickness
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Wasting Sickness sweeps the continent. In dealing with the emergency, local lords are granted more power in the bureaucracy, particularly in the hard-hit southern provinces of Ausa, Wai, and Tien Lun. Thus more power falls into the hands of the local lords, for the first time since the destruction of the Ho clan in Ausa.

  • 1920 SE

    1920 SE

    Invasion of the Southern Barbarians
    Military action

    An invasion of southern barbarians overruns the Wetpeng garrison and Kahgang Su. For the first time local forces outnumber those loyal to the emperor in armies repelling the invasion. The invasion ends suddenly and the barbarian forces retreat.

  • 2050 SE

    2050 SE

    Wax Dynasty Forms

    The last ruler of the Kao Dynasty and his family perish in a fire that sweeps the old Imperial City. His third cousin Ton Bor becomes the first emperor of the La (Wax) Dynasty. The reigns of this emperor and those that follow in his dynasty are controlled by rival factions and secret societies, and the name of the dynasty has been given to it by the successor Kuo Dynasty to reflect the malleability of its rulers.   All records of Yin Dynasty eradicated in the Empire.

  • 2053 SE

    2053 SE

    Yang Clan controls Tyu Ton garrison
    Civil action

    The Yang clan takes control of the Tyu Ton garrison, replacing Shou troops with those loyal to Yang. There is widespread feeling that the La Dynasty is insufficient for the task of controlling an empire, and most garrisons are infiltrated by secret societies, including the Black Leopards, who make a resurgence during this time.

  • 2055 SE

    2138 SE

    Ichiro the Swordsman
    Life, Career

    Ichiro the Swordsman fights his first duel at the age of ten. In the next 83 years, he becomes the foremost swordsman of Kozakura. legends maintains he was the finest swordsman who ever lived or ever will live. Living the life of a wastrel and vagabond, he is never beaten in a duel. Shortly before his death, it is said he achieved his ultimate goal, making the perfect weapon, infusing it with the very essence of his life. It is the Breath-Floating-Sword and it has never been found.

  • 2238 SE

    2238 SE

    Wai Fu Hong Revolt of Calm Waters
    Civil action

    Wai Fu Hong leads a group of cities in revolt against imperial taxes. Instead of reprisal, the throne negotiates, concentrating instead on not spreading the news of the revolt. T'u Lung nobles are encouraged by the perceived weakness of the imperial court.

  • 2294 SE

    2294 SE

    Concubines give birth to heirs
    Life, Birth

    Two of the concubines of the thirteenth Emperor Chin of the La Dynasty give birth within hours of each other (the emperor is otherwise less and without heir). Factions gather over the succession of the two boys.

  • 2310 SE

    2312 SE

    Emperor of La pasts from sickness
    Life, Death

    2310 SE Last Emperor of the La Dynasty takes ill, but refuses to name an heir to the throne, fearing that he might meet an untimely end if he did. The southern lords begin mobilizing their armies and those remaining southern garrisons loyal to the Shou are overthrown.   2312 SE The seventh and last emperor Chin of the La Dynasty dies without recognizing either son as heir. The provincial armies and bureaucrats favor Shin Lu, while the southern nobles and courtiers back the malleable Shin Gisen. War breaks out and the La Castle and the new Imperial Capital are burned.

  • 2315 SE

    2315 SE

    The Battle of Crimson Wheat
    Military action

    The Battle of Crimson Wheat. Shin Ginsen's forces are destroyed, but the victorious Shin Lu's forces are too weak to pursue. Lu returns to the old capital with the Emblems of Imperial Authority and becomes the first Emperor Chin Kuo (Nation) Dynasty. His first directive is to offer to supporters of Ginsen "The Choice of Blades' or flee to the south to the stronghold by Shin Ginsen's nobles. Most chose to flee south.

  • 2316 SE

    2316 SE

    Lui Dynasty formed in T'u Lung

    Shin Ginsen is proclaimed Emperor in Chia Wan Ch'uan, and recognized as the first Emperor of the Lui (Green) Dynasty. Shou Lung attempts to put down the uprising fails, in the first of the Uncountable Wars between the two countries, which continue for the next 250 years.   T'u Lung refers to the invasions by incursions of the northern barbarians in texts. See the Shou Lung as corrupt empire.

  • 2317 SE

    2317 SE

    High Lord of Oceans
    Political event

    The High Lord of Oceans, a six year old boy, single handedly overthrows the nobles of Tabot and establishes the government as it is known today. The nobles are stripped of their power and reduced to titles and small estates in their former territories. The Council kashag is formed to advise the High Lord of Oceans, composed of one monk and 3 lay peasants. the High Lord of oceans ruled for 82 years, then chose a worthy successor and disappeared into the mountains.

  • 2317 SE

    25 Yang
    2317 SE

    25 Yang

    Black Leopard Society supports 1st T'u Lung emperor
    Civil action

    Black Leopard Society support the first T'u Lung emperor Shin Lu, who makes appeals to the banned secret societies to get help repelling the First Incursion of Shou Lung forces. The force called "The Might of the South", routes the northerners at the Battle of Feng Wa Crossing.

  • 2356 SE

    2356 SE

    Shin Ginsen Strengthen Ties
    Diplomatic action

    In order to strengthen the ties between the emperor and the barons, Emperor Shin Ginsen marries his eldest daughter, Shin Do, to the scion of the Wai Clan, Wai Long Hwa. The festivities were scheduled for high summer but were pushed back by the 15th Incursion, so the wedding occurred in the winter, an unlucky time according to court seers.

  • 2358 SE

    2358 SE

    Shin Ginsen Death - Emperor of T'u Lung
    Life, Death

    Shin Ginsen dies in a hunting accident. His son, Shin Rokan, becomes the second emperor of the Lui Dynasty. Shin Rokan proves to be a less capable commander than his father, for while he blunts the Shou attacks in the 16th Incursion at the Battle of the Blood Plains, he loses a significant portion of the northern territories in the process. The various baronial clans rumble in dissent.

  • 2366 SE

    2366 SE

    Three Kingdoms of Tu Form
    Political event

    Shin Rokan proposes to remove the power of the armies from the barons, increase taxes to pay for the new forces, and demand of all an oath of loyalty to the Lui dynasty above all. He is assassinated by Wai Long Hwa, who proclaims himself Emperor. The Ho and Tan families form an alliance and secede, as does the Yang Clan. This is the beginning of the "Three Kingdoms" period of T'u Lung history There are fewer Shou Lung incursions during this period as the corrupt northerners send diplomatic missions to first one, then the other, then the third kingdom, hoping to weaken all and eventually reabsorb them into the Shou empire.

  • 2384 SE

    2384 SE

    Emperor Lu Death
    Life, Death

    Shin Lu dies after 70 years on the throne, and is given the deific name of Ying (Eagle). Shin's son becomes the second Emperor Chin.   In Tu a meeting to celebrate the death among representatives of the Three Kingdoms ends in poison. treachery, and assassination. None of the leaders of the kingdoms attended the celebration.

  • 2390 SE

    2390 SE

    Emperor Chin Death
    Life, Death

    The second Emperor dies of old age and is given the deific name of Tz'u Wei (Hedgehog). His grandson takes the throne as the Emperor Chin.

  • 2392 SE

    2392 SE

    Broken Dish Mountain Created
    Military action

    In Kozakura, the Wizard Ch'u tei Zao and Goboro the Lame engage in a murderous duel of sorcery. So great are their powers that one stands atop Mount Kaza and the other on the neighboring peaks of Dagoryama. For an entire the sky in the area is changed to a horrid violet-green. The villages, fields, and forest between the two are burned to cinders. the 237-year-old feud apparently ends with the climatic explosion of the peak of Mount Kaza. the site is now called Broken-Dish-Mountain for the shape of the remaining mount. No bodies are found.

  • 2398 SE

    2398 SE

    Three Kingdoms of Tu Reunite
    Civil action

    The Three Kingdoms are reunited. Wai Long Hwa is officially recognized as the third emperor of the Lui Dynasty. The Ho and Tan families are defeated in the war, though still powerful. The Yang family is given autonomous control of its lands in a diplomatic settlement. The Maki Clan,a group of upstart barons, gains power during this time by supporting Wai.

  • 2398 SE

    24 Tu
    2398 SE

    24 Tu

    School of Clockworks Formed in Shou Lung
    Diplomatic action

    School of clockworks is started under guidance of the Imperial Court.

  • 2403 SE

    2403 SE

    Balanzia Cursed
    Disaster / Destruction

    The 29th Incursion of the Shou Lung. During this incursion the city of Balanzia is attacked and its walls breached for the sixth time. Incurringan ancient curse, the inhabitants of the city go mad and abandon the city. Curse still holds the city and strange beasts walk it with the dead of Balanzia.

  • 2408 SE

    2408 SE

    Wai Long Death, Wai Long Sun Tu Emperor
    Life, Death

    Tu Lung Emperor Wai Long dies in his sleep and is succeeded by his son, Wai Long Sun, the fourth emperor in the Lui Dynasty.

  • 2419 SE

    2419 SE

    Imperial Bowls Crafted
    Technological achievement

    Jo He Ting, a potter of Chedoru, creates a set of magic bowls for the imperial court. These eight bowls bestow clear thought on those who eat from them, but only for an hour after they are used. Enchanting of items in day to day use is researched in T'u Lung.

  • 2423 SE

    2423 SE

    T'u Lung Emperor Poisoned to Death
    Life, Death

    The bowls provide no protection from poison, however, and Wai Long Sun dies after eating poisoned rice from the bowls while seeking an answer to the problem of what to do about ambitious relatives. Wai Long Sun's cousin, Wai Chu Doang, becomes the fifth emperor of the Lui Dynasty. He uses the oath of loyalty to raise large, powerful armies, both to contain the baronial clans and to fight Shou Lung. His heavy-handed military solutions to domestic problems earn his reign the name "The Law of Fists."

  • 2430 SE

    2430 SE

    Shou Emperor Death
    Life, Death

    The third Emperor dies and is given the deific name (Panther). He is succeeded by his wife, who rules as the fourth Emperor Chin until his son comes of age.

  • 2432 SE

    2432 SE

    Nightingale Emperor of Shou Steps Down
    Civil action

    The fourth Emperor steps down and retires to a monastery. Upon her death 30 years later she is given the deific name Yeh (Nightingale). Her son becomes fifth Emperor Chin.

  • 2456 SE

    2456 SE

    Battle of the Celestial Sea
    Military action

    The fifth Emperor Chin distinguishes himself in battle against pirates of the Celestial Sea, sacking several havens of the pirates, including the one located on Akari. Wa, also hurt by pirate raids, recognizes Shou Lung claims to small islands in the Celestial Sea. Years later learn the pirates were being backed by families in Kozakura.

  • 2469 SE

    2469 SE

    Chaos of the 41st Incursion
    Military action

    The 41st Incursion. Wai Chu Doang leads his troops in the Battle of Tan in T'u Lung. They are routed, and the emperor is chased into the Thai Salt Flats and slain by Shou assassins. Wai Chu Cor, the emperor's only son, turns back the incursion, but dies of wounds suffered in the Battle of Steaming Horses before he can ascend the throne. Wai Chu Doang's grandson, Wai Juku A'ti, becomes the sixth emperor of T'u Lung.

  • 2500 SE

    2500 SE

    Shou Fifth Emperor Chin Dies
    Life, Death

    The fifth Emperor Chin dies in a hunting accident. His grandson becomes the sixth Emperor Chin. The deceased emperor is given the deific name Yeh T'u (Hare), giving rise to speculation that he was assassinated by a jealous relative.

  • 2511 SE

    2511 SE

    Wai Juku A'ti killed by Evil Spirit
    Life, Death

    Wai Juku A'ti dies when an evil spirit steals his soul. Shou Lung witchs are suspected, and Shou natives are persecuted, though later evidence indicates that a rival family or cult was responsible. The eldest son, Wai Chi Con, dies in a sailing accident soon afterward, and the second son, the weaker Wai Lo Yan, becomes the seventh emperor of T'u Lung. Wai Lo Yan is young and sickly, taken to fevers and fits for most of his reign. Court politicians and baronial clans prosper through intrigue during this period. Evil Spirit was never captured or killed in the texts.

  • 2543 SE

    2543 SE

    Sixth Emperor of Shou dies
    Life, Death

    The sixth Emperor Chin dies of old age, and is given the deific name Ch'uan (Dog) for his faithful service to the memories of his forbearers. His son becomes the seventh Emperor Chin.

  • 2555 SE

    2555 SE

    The Regency of Lui Dynasty
    Life, Death

    Wai Lo Yan proves to be one of the most long-lived and competent of the Lui Dynasty, lasting 44 years before passing on from a particularly vicious fever. His only direct descendent is a daughter. Under tradition dating back to Shou Lung, the daughter would be made emperor, but the T'u Lung nobles bristle at the thought. Instead, the daughter is made regent until Wai Gada Sinzu, Wai Lo Yan's nephew (through a younger sister) comes of age. The daughter was named Wai Yeh Ying, but is only remembered officially as Wai Lo Yan's Daughter in texts. Her reign is called "The Regency." Although her power was limited, Wai Yeh Ying encourages craftsmen across T'u Lung in making of the the Imperial Seal.

  • 2558 SE

    2558 SE

    Major Incursions of Shou into T'u End
    Diplomatic action

    Wai Gada Sinzu, the nephew, takes the throne as the eighth emperor of the Lui Dynasty. Wai Yeh Yin disappears soon after. Diplomatic overtures with Shou Lung are made, stabilizing the border and ending the major incursions (though armed forces of the Shou continue to invade, usually seeking criminals of the state who flee south to sanctuary). The Shou consider these wars to be uncountable, but T'u Lung official histories identify no fewer than 74 separate invasions (Shou Lung scholars dispute these figures).

  • 2561 SE

    2561 SE

    Seventh Emperor Chin Dies Mysteriously
    Life, Death

    The seventh Emperor Chin dies mysteriously in his sleep. He is given the deific name Hsiao (Owl). His son becomes the eighth Emperor Chin of the Eighth Dynasty of Shou Lung.

  • 2586 SE

    2586 SE

    Wa Closes Borders
    Diplomatic action

    Matasuuri Nagahide becomes the new shogun. Foreign traders are ordered to leave the country. Unauthorized interaction with foreigners is declared illiegal.

  • 2587 SE

    2587 SE

    Wa denounces the Earthmother
    Religious event

    Wa denounces the Earthmother as an illegal deity in Wa after a radical worshippers killed thousands at Juzimura Castle. Worship of the Earthmother (Chuantea) is declared an offence punishable by execution.

  • 2588 SE

    2588 SE

    Yamun Khahan Rises to Power
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Yamun Khahan of Clan Hoekun in the Horse Plains conquers the Commani tribe, beginning his rise to power.

  • 2589 SE

    2589 SE

    Gathering of Pearls
    Diplomatic action

    The Eighth Emperor Chin announces the "Gathering of Pearls" as a goal of his reign. Plans are set in motion to recover lost artifacts and books. Excavations begin in cities that have been noted as capitals. Old territories to the north and west are brought back under imperial control. Contacts with Wa and Kozakura are expanded. The nobles of T'u Lung fear that this is an attempt to isolate their nation in the world.   In response, T'u Lung opens its doors to traders and establishes diplomatic missions to Tabot, Wa, and Kozakura.

  • 2589 SE

    2589 SE

    King of Silla unites Choson Penisula
    Military action

    The King of Silla conquers the neighboring kingdoms of Koguryo and Saishu, uniting the Choson penisula.

  • 2594 SE

    2594 SE

    Prototype of Clockwork Engine Drafted
    Construction beginning/end

    The school of Clockworks make the first Prototype of a Clockwork Engine. The first engine is too big to be much of a use for the Shou Dynasty and will need further prototypes before it resembles the designs of today. The designer Richard Shandong is credited with the blueprints and has a statue in the School's Yard.   The engine sparks a wave of creativity of uses from the Divine Mystic Energy from the Nine Immortals .

  • 2599 SE

    2599 SE

    Akari Island Transforming into Colony Started
    Diplomatic action

    The Puissant Department of Joyful Rediscovery charges the Ko family with the task of turning Akari Island into a maritime colony and forward base for his Magnificent and Just Majesty's Fleet.

  • 2601 SE

    2601 SE

    Song Ladies Hunted
    Civil action

    The shogunate of Wa orders daimyos to raise the moral standards in their provinces. Known and suspected adulteries are executed, waitresses are banned from teahouses, and luxury items are forbidden to the lower classes.

  • 2602 SE

    2602 SE

    Caravans Attacked
    Military action

    Yamun Khahan turns his armies on the caravans of the Golden Way in the Horse Plains.

  • 2602 SE

    2602 SE

    Twin Sons in T'u Lung
    Life, Birth

    After the birth of two daughters (who cannot take the throne, save as regents), Wai Gada Sinzu's wife gives birth to twin sons, named Wai Anku and Wai Soreti. Various factions, families, and cults begin taking sides, sending gifts to one son or the other.

  • 2604 SE

    2604 SE

    Kingdom of Koryo

    The King of Silla musters a fleet to invade the hated Kozukurans. His fleet is destroyed by a tsunami, and the resulting turmoil enabled one of his generals, Wanang Sun, to overthrow him and unite the factions of Choson into the Kingdom of Koryo.

  • 2607 SE

    2607 SE

    Black Leopard Cult Temple Destroyed
    Criminal Activity

    An outpost of the Black Leopard Cult is found and destroyed on Akari Island (Prioto Islands). This is believed to be an offshoot of the sect founded by the high priest who escaped down the Fenghsintzu river. When the news arrives in Pendir Chao and H'sin-to, there are massive parades and demonstrations by followers of the Black Leopard, who understand that a group of Shou Lung merchants brought in outside mercenaries to destroy the surviving cultists.

  • 2608 SE

    2608 SE

    Imperial Seal Created
    Scientific achievement

    Craftsmen after years of trial and error craft the Imperial Seal. Wai Gada Sinzu uses the seal to control the weather in the T'u Lung regions, gaining power over the towns lords and issues a edict for a temple to be built in Bashan Do province.

  • 2608 SE

    2608 SE


    Time of Troubles
    Disaster / Destruction

    Time of Troubles. For three months in the summer magical and natural chaos ensues, none are able to divine the cause. Then, suddenly, the chaos disappears, though it does leae its mark in the form of wild and dead magic zones scattered throughout the lands. Interestingly, during this period the Temples are unable to contact the Immortals, and afterwords none are willing to discuss this amazing event.   Lord Ao, the overgod, punishes all other gods by casting them down to the Realms, where they must walk as mortals until they find the stolen Tablets of Fate.

  • 2609 SE

    2609 SE

    Tuigan Invade Shou Lung
    Military action

    Hubadai, Yamun Khahan's son conquers Semphar in his father's name and controls the Silk road heading into Shou.   Meanwhile, the Tuigan breech the Dragonwall and invade Shou Lung. After a hard fought campaign a truce is declared, in exchange for the lives of the ministers of War and State Yamun Khahan departs from Shou Lung towards Thay. The Minister of State Security is discovered to be a traitor, working for the Tuigan. The Mandrinate goes into an uproar as no less then three of the Emperor's top minister positions are left open.

  • 2609 SE

    2613 SE

    Ou Yezi & Gan Jiang forge Legendary Weapons
    Technological achievement

    Ou Yezi & Gan Jiang under orders of Wai Gada Sinzu craft 7 legendary weapons using the Imperial Seal. The Weapons are given to the princes and princesses to guide them till one of them takes the throne. Emperor Sinzu locks the Imperial Seal away in a hidden temple with each of the weapons the key to the locks on the sealed door. Using the weapons to unlock the 7 locks breaks the weapons keeping them from being used against each other.

  • 2610 SE

    2610 SE

    Lich Tan Chin attacks Shou Lung
    Military action

    The lich Tan Chin former Emperor of Shou Lung, gathers an army of undead at the fallen Imaskar city of Solon. Wielding powerful magic from that ancient empire, Tan Chin marches his undead armies east easily conquering Ra-Khati and settlements within the Katakoro Plateau.   Emperor Chin makes plans to defend the Western border from the undead army by reinforcing Chin Tung province.

  • 2611 SE

    2611 SE

    Tan Chin Undead armies push Eastward
    Military action

    Tan Chin and his undead armies push eastward into Shou Lung. Weakened by the Horde invasion two years prior, the Shou make stands at Shih Tuh and Yenching but are easily overrun. Turning his army northwest, Lo Tu is next to fall, followed by the realm of Khazari by year's end.   Emperor Chin allows Gnome and Shouian clockworks to be used in the military armies to boost troop numbers, added benefit is clockworks can't be raised by Tan Chin.

  • 2612 SE

    2612 SE

    Conceding of Guge
    Military action

    Lich Tan Chin armies sweep across the lands of the old kingdom of Guge. Emperor Chin sends emissaries to Wa, Tabot, and Kozakura for assistance. Wa don't reply to the emissaries. Kozakura families agree to send warships to the coastlines of Shou Lung for citizens escaping from the West provinces of Shou Lung. Other citizens are allowed into Tabot temples.

  • 2613 SE

    2613 SE

    Battle at Bridge of Taitung
    Military action

    Emperor Chin meets Tan Chin at the Bridge of Taitung. Army of Troops and Clockworks/constructs hold the undead back. General Chu, Emperor Chin, and Prince Shin injured in the combat leading to Princess Mifu taking over as minister of war. Ko family is promoted to minister of state.

  • 2613 SE

    2613 SE

    Nation of Yaimmunahar founded

    Hubadai Khan founded the nation of Yaimmunahar after Yamun Khan's death. Capital of Kourmira home of the Khan people.

  • 2615 SE

    2615 SE

    Eighth Emperor Chin Dies
    Life, Death

    Emperor Chin dies from the lasting injuries from Battle at the Bridge of Taitung.  He is given the deific name of Rui (Guardian Lion).  Prince Shin is killed as the army pushes Tan Chin's undead armies back to Shihfang. Princess Mifu is crowned Ninth Emperor of the Kuo Dynasty.

  • 2616 SE

    2616 SE

    First Warforge built in Shou Lung
    Military action

    Researchers in Kirin are successful in making the first Warforged using wu jen spirit into a clockwork body. Over the year a battalion of warforged are sent to battle Tan Chin's undead. Chin Tung Province is retaken and Tan Chin retreats to into the lands of Guge.

  • 2618 SE

    2618 SE

    Clockwork Locomotive built and Railway Construction begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Students of Richard Shandong finish the mass production engine details. The praise of Clockworks spreads throughout the Empire as a response to the success of the warforge in the war against Tan Chin.    The Emperor Mifu orders for Railways to be built between major cities on the coast and heading into the wide rice plains of the West.

  • 2620 SE

    2620 SE

    Lich Tan Chin Killed
    Life, Death

    Warforges and constructs retake Chupa, Punakha Dzong, and Nanxun. General Rui with hired heroes from Kozakura fight Tan Chin at Punakha Dzong, with the death of the Lich his armies lose some order as his officers fight each other and Shou Lung for power.

  • 2620 SE

    2620 SE

    Emperor Sinzu of T'u Lung Dies
    Life, Death

    Emperor Sinzu passes in the night. Second son Wai Ji hires Wa assassins to kill siblings, two brothers and one sister killed. Wai Hai Goku and Wai Kenka gather allies has T'u Lung splits into Civil War. Last sister goes south in the jungle into hiding.

  • 2622 SE

    2640 SE

    Path to A-Ling Shan Mountains
    Military action

    The new Emperor Chin orders the armies and hiring of adventurers to sweep the thru the lands of Guge to clear it of hiding pockets of Tan Chin's army of the dead. Progress is slow over the years as the old kingdom of Guge is retaken/cleansed and the lands are starting to rebuild after the tragedy caused by Tan Chin.    The undead are pushed into the mountain ranges were the cold should freeze them. The remaining forces are held up in Khazari's lands.

  • 2623 SE

    2623 SE

    Wa Reopens Borders
    Diplomatic action

    Wa shogun opens borders for refugees from Shou Lung, Emperor Mifu Chin shares clockwork technology against advisors word for safe passage of displaced shouians. Ports of Akkaido, Ibhei, and Fochu open to trade.

  • 2630 SE

    2630 SE

    T'u Lung Civil War Ends
    Military action

    Wai Ji declares himself Ninth Emperor of the Lui Dynasty, Wai Hai Goku killed at Battle of Tsun Hill with Wai Kenka & Wai Ze stay in hiding. Three of the locks to the Imperial Seal are broken. Rumored that Wai Kenka fled to Purang in the mountains and valleys of the natives living there.  Wai Ze rumored to have been taken in by the Yang family.

  • 2632 SE

    2632 SE

    Gray Giants Appear on Saishu Island
    Discovery, Exploration

    Gray Giants with rolling fog appear near In'ani on Saishu Island. Court in Koryo fear for the worst ahead for the people, seen as a warning.

  • 2634 SE

    2634 SE

    The Weeping Pox Emerges
    Disaster / Destruction

    First case of what will be known as the Weeping Pox is recorded in Singye, Koryo. The pox spreads quickly overtaking Koryo before the Shogun can quarantine the infected cities.   Symptoms of the Weeping Pox start with fevers that led to sharpened senses, overexcitement, and sense of wellbeing. This transitions to burning fever, insatiable thirst, and weltering lesions that give the illness its name.

  • 2638 SE

    2638 SE

    Impossible Palace of Silver Domes reappears
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Impossible Palace of Silver Domes appears in Tabot, monks from the nearby monastery retrieves an ancient artifact before the silver domes vanish from the mountain sight. Scholars noted the artifact as a helmet warm to the touch and imparts passion on the holder. Locked away in the Bamboo Forests of Bhutan.

  • 2640 SE

    2640 SE

    T'u Lung discovers Laothan tribes
    Discovery, Exploration

    Maki clansmen from T'u Lung met Laothan tribes near Cheboru. Meeting doesn't go well as the parties get into a skirmish over goods. Maki clansmen described the Laoians as scaly humanoids touched by the Celestial one. Riding drakes as slaves or pets. Maki, Ho, and Yang families will trade more goods in the future as often as they skirmish. No records of a single leader of Laothan.

  • 2640 SE

    Kao II
    2640 SE


    Battle of Luntse Tower
    Military action

    Shou armies battle the undead that were holding Khazari mountain pass in a attempt to recover Khazari. Battle/siege lasts three months before Shou Lung has to pull back after heavy clockwork loses during encounters with strange undead with wings. Emperor orders a embargo of Khazari, cutting it off from Shou Lung and even sends letters to the Tuigan Empire asking for them to do the same.

  • 2643 SE

    2643 SE

    Hoi Wars
    Military action

    Koryo Shogun declares war against Kozakura over fishing waters in the Sea of Kozakura or Sea of Koryo depending on the text. Some scholars think the war was for coastland of Kozakura for the Shogun to ship infected people of the Weeping Pox too.

  • 2644 SE

    2644 SE

    Hoi Wars End
    Criminal Activity

    Hoi War ends suddenly when Gan Jing & Han Katashi's fleets are sunk in a storm off the coast of the Dragon's teeth. Suspected to be the work of Gruumsh "The Ruiner". Cult is on the raise in the shadows of Koryo's streets.

  • 2649 SE

    2649 SE

    Silk, Spice, Southern Trade Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Treaty signed between Shou Lung and Yaimmunahar for repair of the Spice/golden way in 2,649 SE. Silk trade recovering after the terror of Tan Chin's Army. Southern route created to trade with King Drasna Bluemantle.

  • 2650 SE

    2725 SE

    Golden Age of Shao Peace
    Era beginning/end

    For 75 Years the Shou Lung & T'u Lung Empires are at peace as both Empires rebuild and trade with nearby nations. Shou Lung is forever changed by the clockworks in the Empire as they take more and more of a role in the bureaucrats. Clockwork trains are built going to farther cities in the south and west. Citizens wealth raises and families can buy small constructs to help with labor.   T'u Lung is influenced by drake trade with Lao and wu jen witchs fill many families in power.   Tabot monasteries start teaching the Way to students and many sects of thought on the correct Way to do that.   Kozakura is racked with piracy as the main way to earn money as families segregate from one another on the many islands.   Petan opens multiple anti mage schools for knights to combat the threat of Tu' Lung invasion.

  • 2654 SE

    2734 SE

    Ra-Khati closes off from Shou Lung
    Diplomatic action

    After the invasion of Tan Chin, the lands and people of Ra-Khati close off from the world around them. They close the borders into the mountain passes and deny anyone entering into the country. Some followers of Padhran try to seek into the country for pilgrims but are captured and their tongues cut out. Not till almost 80 years later that some of the borders are opening on the northern side of the mountains. Shou Lung records have very little details about what happened to the people of Ra-Khati or the country in general because of this.

  • 2687 SE

    2687 SE

    Weeping Pox Spreads
    Disaster / Destruction

    Weeping Pox disease is known by name in Wa, Koryo, and Kozakura as it spreads to different degrees between the islands. Wa medical scholars hunt for a cure for the disease. Rumors start that pox is a punishment from the Nine Immortals .

  • 2728 SE

    2728 SE

    Ninth T'u Lung Emperor Dies
    Life, Death

    Wai Ji is poisoned during a banquet of officials. Ho and Wei families start looking for the missing legendary weapons and heirs to the throne. Wai Ji's sister is placed on the throne as a Regent and figurehead. The court runs the Lui Dynasty through her.

  • 2731 SE

    2733 SE

    Rage of Dragons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Initially the concerns of the dragons around Toril are not the concerns of the dragons of Kara-Tur. As servants and messengers for the gods, they felt isolated from the madness that seized dragons in Faerun. Then some of them fell to a madness seemingly just like the madness of the dragons of Faerun. Madness gripped the Celestial dragons of Kara-Tur causing them to fall from the Celestial Bureaucracy or Heaven into the Mortal realm.    Dragons now infected with madness roam the lands as heros search out ways to slay the beings or seal them back into heaven.

  • 2739 SE

    2740 SE

    Isle of the Gargantuas
    Disaster / Destruction

    The island nations of Kozakura and Wa were beset during this time with the forces of many massive creatures native to the Isle of the Gargantuas. Normally the creatures rarely ventured forth, and when they did, it was in small enough numbers that sorcerers and bands of warriors could deal with them. With the weakening of the Ten Thousand Spirits the year before, the creature known as Krankentoa managed to take control of many of the beasts of the Isle of the Gargantuas, and move them in a concerted effort to block trade and assault the nations of Wa and Kozakura.   The dragons assigned by the Celestial Emperor to the nations of Kozakura and Wa fought many of the creatures directly, but Krakentoa was powerful enough to best many of the dragons that stood against him.   The shukenja known as the Monkey (Doin Sanehiro) and his allies travelled to the Isle of the Gargantuas and spoke to the weakened Spirit of the Isle, learning what they could do to restore it and thus allowing the spirit to challenge Krakentoa once more. The heroes battled many restless gargantuas that still inhabited the isle, and managed to find the sacred waters that would help restore the Spirit of the Isle to power. After restoring the spirit, it drove off Krankentoa, and the heroes use various charms given to them by the Spirit to lure the gargantuas home.

  • 2739 SE

    2739 SE

    Emperor Mifu Chin Death
    Life, Death

    Emperor Mifu Chin passes quietly in the night. She is given the deific of Ganzhe (Crane). Her young daughter Chihaya is the tenth Emperor of the Kao Dynasty.

  • 2741 SE

    2741 SE

    Rise of the Mad Monkey Cult

    Witchs of Purang and wild folk summon a being from beyond Faerun. Gaining power in exchange for dragon blood.