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Cycle of Black Years



In T'u Lung, this was marked by continual invasions from the south, incursions by petty lords from the north,blights, floods on the Fenghsintzu, and crop failures. Shou Generals battle for control of Shou lands before Wo Mai finds the Emblems of Imperial Authority from the crypts beneath the Imperial City.

Only regions where the local feudal lords remain in power retain some semblance of order. It is from these feudal lords that the barons of the south take their mandate to rule. Here is the first mention in records of the Wai and Yang clans in the areas of T'u Lung.     980 - The Giants in Grey are reported throughout the known empire. Crops fail as a blight strikes the coastal lowlands.   985 - A criminal family in Kai Shan seizes control of their city, declaring their own sovereignty. Such city-states are common in the Black Cycle, but Kai Shan survives semi-independent to this day, as it aided and supported Wo Mai, a noble from a neighboring province, in his adventures.   1010 -End of the reign of the Copper Demon of Tros, who held a large section of the west in his thrall for eight years, ruling the land in a brutal fashion. The beast is slain by the Seven Heroes and the Seven Nonmen. Wo Mai is reported as one of the Heroes.   The Black Cycle of Years ends with the coronation of Wo Mai, a noble claiming descent from Nung Fu himself.

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