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The Omi War

Military action


Omi War lasts six years ending with the death of the Emperor to the hands of an assassin of Wa on his Flagship.

For years the Shou build up a huge fleet of ships as Wa builds castles on the shores facing Shou Lung lands. 975 - The Omi War begins in earnest as the King of the Western Lands invades Wa with his fleet of 100,000 ships. The fortifications of Wa are strongest across the central part of Wa and these areas resist the invasion. However, the daimyo of the north and south, angered at Nobunaga's heavy taxation, betray their garrisons to the invaders. Shou Lung soldiers begin to march overland on the capital. In the north, only Nakamaru remains uncaptured, due to the cunning of General Yoshibei. Shou Lung forces settle in for a long sedge of the fortified manor that forms the city's main defence.   976 - The wu jen Kira and a confederation of sorcerers cunningly prepare a trap for the King of the Shou Lands Chin, who is aboard his royal flagship. Through their spells they conceal a dangerous reef from allaboard. Driven forward by a summoned storm, the flagship breaks up on the rocks. Before the Emperor Chin's wu jen can whisk him away to safety, the ninja Fukio, in disguise and aboard the ship for two years, strikes. The Emperor Chin is slain. Almost immediately the most powerful Shou Lung generals leave Wa to battle for the Shou Lung throne. The Shou Lung forces are plunged into leaderless confusion. Fukio disappears in the shipwreck.  Some claim he is dead, while others say Kira rewarded him with prolonged life and great powers for his services.   976 - The following month General Yoshibei breaks the siege of Nakamaru and reconquers the province. The Shou Lung governor of the north offers a truce with Yoshibei. Cut off from land communication with the south, Yoshibei accepts the truce and sets himself up as warlord of the province. For the next 100 years or so, the island of Wa is wracked by sporadic warfare. At first it is between the nobles of Wa and the Shou Lung governors. Although the nobles are able to drive the governors and their troops back, theynever fully defeat them. The men of Shou Lung recruit new troops from the countryside and defend their lands. With time they adopt more and more of the ways of Wa, until they are almost indistinguishable from their subjects. By the time the Emperors of Shou Lung return, their governors owe more allegiance to the Emperor and daimyos of Wa than they do to the Emperor of Shou Lung.

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