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Making of the Great Wall

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The Shou emperor tricks Pao Hu Jen the guardian dragon, into flying to the lands of the horse barbarians. Using the jade mirror the emperor turns Pao Hu Jen into the Great Dragonwall.

Emperor Tan Chin had defeated the horse demons many years before, they were a stubborn people, wild like their desert homes and wild bodies. They swept down each year upon the helpless provinces of Chin Tung & Mai Yuan, ravaging and killing as they wished. The border garrisons were often outnumbered and to serve in the northern armies was as if to be given a death sentence.    "My empire is being bled dry" spoke Tan Chin to his blood brother Kar Wuan one night. "If only there were a way to hold back the horde without this grievous price!" Now Kar Wuan also hated this bloodshed and the two cleverly devised a way which to end it for all time. In those days, there dwelt under the sea a great dragon, whose name was Pao Hu Jen. His length exceeded that of a thousand li, and his task was to guard the Jade Mirror of Shih. Kar knew from his studies that the mirror had the power to turn Life to Stone or Stone to Life. He advised the emperor to join him and together, they took sail one night, far out into the Celestial Sea to where Pao Hu was said to sleep.   With Kar's spells to aid them, they swam to the bottom of the ocean. Soon, they came upon the huge dragon, sleeping with his many coils wrapped around the pillars which hold up the land of Shou Lung from the sea. Between his paws, there rested the Jade Mirror, with craft and spells, they stole the mirror from Pao Hu.   When the great dragon awoke and found the mirror gone, he rose to the surface of the sea in fury. To his surprise, he found only the Emperor Tan Chin sitting fishing in his small boat in the sea. For Kar Wuan had already fled to Shou Lung with his sorcerous arts. "Man Emperor!" roared the dragon, "Have you seen the thief who took my Mirror?" Smiling Tan Chin replies "Indeed I have, he has gone westward to the land of the horse demons. To sell your mirror to their great Khan. If you hurry, you will surely stop him!" And so the dragon rushed along the clouds to the west, his tremendous body stretching out for miles behind him.   When he reached the west, Pao found Kar Wuan standing on a high mountaintop, facing the north and east. As the dragon swept around in a great curve, to snatch off Kar Wuan's head with his claws, the clever Kar raised the Jade Mirror to face him. Lightning crashed, and the dragon Pao Hu turned to stone! His huge body crashed to the land as if so many mighty bricks, strectching the length of many miles, and forming a huge wall over hill and plain! His one hundred spines became guardhouses, his great claws mighty fortresses, and his fanged mouth the tremendous gate which forbids entry to those who would enter Shou in anger.   The Horse demons could not go over his great stone body, and in rage turned west to seek easier prey.

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