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Black Leopard Cult Destruction

Disaster / Destruction


Black Leopard Cult spreads terror and kidnapping of innocents for use of sacrifices. Hero Tan Chin with his blood brother Kar Wuan ride to fight the cult at the lair. Defeating the cult leader and scattering the cult into the jungles.

After seven prosperous years, rumors began to reach the Great Court of a new cult to the south, who worshipped the spirit of a great black leopard named Hei Te Pao. This cult spread terror throughout the peaceful rice lands of the Fenghsintsu River, extorting rice and treasure from the Emperor's officials. Murdering all who opposed them in fiendish and terrible ways, and kidnapping innocents for use as sacrifices to it's bloody spirit-god.   In fury, Tan Chin, the young emperor vowed to destroy the cult. Seven parties of heroes left seven times from the Imperil City to defeat the cults of Hei Te Pao, and not one returned. It was from this that Tan Chin understood that the high priest must be a user of mystic power and that even his most skilled sorcerers and warriors could not strike him down in his lair.   Tan Chin took it upon himself to find a way to bring the minions of Hei Te Peo to justice. In the great libraries of the Imperial City, Tan Chin discovered an old legend which told of a great demon held in thrall by the ensorcelment of an ivory chain. Spoke of this to his blood brother Kar Wuan and in secret the two heroes rode to the south into the lair of the dark cult.   Now, when the two reached the deserted temple, they found the evil priest of the Black Leopards, awaiting them. For with his mystic power nothing could hide from his eyes, even in the jungles around the temple. In rage the priest summoned his great Black spirit cat to slay them. But Tan Chin recognized the ivory chain that held it within the mystic's power, and with a sweep of the spear Shan Tien, shattered the links.   Unbound, the evil spirit turned upon it's tormentor and carried him shrieking off into the night. His remaining followers fled out to sea, led by the second high priest of the order, and were never seen again.

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