Crick Character in The | World Anvil
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Crick is currently landing at Ivar Island, in order to establish it as an outpost for resupply in the coming counter attack that he wants to lead against the Anorian Empire.

Grand Captain

Crick was born in the Grand Republic of Durham, far off in an isolated trading post on the southern coast named Darntorm. His mother and father had moved there to escape the Genesian Wars, and found that they were well suited to perching atop the crowsnest of ships that came into port. As soon as Crick was born they were back out onto sea, by the time of his birth Crick's parents had discovered the Eagles Armada. Although his young life was perlis at times, Crick was given the finest education that a budding pirate lord could ever need. He was given lessons in reading and writing alongside spares with his fellow crewmates. Before long Crick had become quite the young swashbuckler, quickly stepping out of the shadow of his father and casting one of his own that would continue to grow.   As his prowess grew, as did his reputation. Upon the death of his beloved captain, the crew decided that it should be Crick that should take up his mantle. In his memory, Crick lead his new crew on a revenge mission that would go down in legend for the young captain. Sailing near the horn of Edengaard, he gathered his birdfolk crew members and together they were launched from a catapult on his ship up into the sky in order to fly down onto of the ship they were chasing and catch the crew completely by surprise.   After exacting his revenge, Crick returned to Barbarossa as a hero, and soon many flocked to his crew. From there he lead numerous successful raids all across northern Edengaard and into the Republic. More crews began to follow Crick, and he found himself a captain of the largest fleet in the Eagles Armada. Once the seat of Grand Captain was being voted on, Crick won by a wide margin. He had his loyal crews and trusted allies at his back as he stepped into his new role as the head of the Eagles Armada.    Once appointed Grand Captain, Crick made it his priority to begin raids on the northern shores of Edengaard. He seeded some of his holdings to other crews who would be able to put more concentrated efforts into raiding the region. Crick feared what would happen if the Anorian Empire was able to establish a continuous population near Old Salt, and has been fighting back against their expansion. Nevertheless the Anorian Empire continue to push into northern Edengaard, but Crick will rally anyone who will follow him to defeat his hated foes.

Crick became the captain of the Eagles Armada through daring stunts of bravery and well maintained alliances with powerful friends. He seeks to keep Old Salt free to those who wish to remain unbound by the authority of nations such as the Empire.

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