Eagles Armada Organization in The | World Anvil
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Eagles Armada

The Eagles Armada is gathering allies to help defend against the Anorian Invasion of Old Salt.
The Eagles Armada was one of the original federations that signed the pact of Parlay. They were originally formed out of a convocation of birdfolk from the mountains of eastern Jarrenvale who had taken up to sailing after fleeing the Anorian Empire. Consisting of crews with an array of birdfolk, the Eagles Armada has always been represented by the avian people of the Reach. Utilising their tactical advantages in combat, these crews could attack ships from many angles and directions, making them excellent swashbucklers.


The Eagles Armada consists of numerous different pirate crews all lead by individual captains. Each of these ship captains must be elected by their crew, and once elected they are able to vote on who they believe should be the Grand Captain of the Eagles Armada.
Illicit, Pirate Crew

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