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Curse of Rodegeit

The Curse of Rodegeit is responsible for creating the mouse-like humanoid creatures that occupy the hamlet; not an actual species, but rather humans warped into a strange form. The Curse has no known origin, and attempts to tell what caused it have all failed, for now. Rodegians stay to their own village out of fear of spreading it. No treatment appears effective.

Transmission & Vectors

The curse of Rodegeit appears to infect those who spend too long in the geographical area of Rodegeit, or are born in the area.


The Curse of Rodegeit results in you warping into a mouse-like humanoid. Your body develops fur, you shrink down, and your skeletal structure shifts to look more rodent-like.


The Curse of Rodegeit appears to become permanent, though until the skeletal changes have set in it is reversible by leaving the village. Once the skeletal changes have set, which no one is sure of how long it takes, the curse is permanent and will not fade even when leaving the hamlet.

Affected Groups

Rodegians, those of the hamlet of Rodegeit are the only effected groups at this time.

Cultural Reception

Rodegians have willingly isolated themselves for the most part, to avoid spreading it to other villages. Rodegeit has become a smaller village due to this, quite literally; relocating into a central square to try to minimize contaminating the land around them.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

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