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Of Mice and Men

Home to the strangest race of all, the Mousefolk, Rodegeit is an interesting case. The Mousefolk do not appear to be natural, only having appeared in the past several years; however, they all appear to be Rodegian. If the mages weren't all on the frontlines of The Cape War it would be an active spot for research.
— Anonymous hedge-wizard serving Lord Tymon of Castow, 495 AMN
Rodegeit is a simple goatherding hamlet. Or rather, it was; it has been cursed, inhabitants turning into Mousefolk. It has become almost abandoned, and few go there; the required tax still leaves the hamlet, and small hooded figures are seen wandering its streets. There are several important residents in the town, such as Weston, the guard, or Allouette; the butcher's daughter. The town is unlikely to last without being able to bring in fresh blood, and no one wants to birth new cursed Rodegians into the world; so these residents are few in number.
Many Rodegians made an exodus from the town, but all are inherently marked by the Curse of Rodegeit; which caused the transformation. These itinerant wanderers are known to make startlingly bold moves in the areas surrounding it. Verifiably, there is Colby and Templeton von Rodegeit; both of which seeking a cure to the curse. Folklore speaks of many other Rodegians in high places, however, that the town purged in damnatio memoriae; bandit lords, cultists and others.


  • 100% Mousefolk, 100% Chevalian natives
  • 1 butcher family
  • 1 guard
  • 8 goat-herder families


Rodegeit has no formal government and simply pays tribute to the local lord. The closest thing to a leader is the butcher, who makes the most money and handles taxes for the entire village. The law is enforced solely by the single guard.


Rodegeit has little defenses beyond an old watchtower, left behind from a previous age's motte-and-bailey. A single guard, Templeton's mentor Weston, watches over the town, most of the time.

Industry & Trade

Goatherding and cheesemaking are the primary industries of Rodegeit. The butcher of Rodegeit is the richest man, and does the majority of outside and inside trade, bringing goods from far away to the village whenever he goes to sell off the cleaned hides.


Rodegeit used to consist of several homes, a butchery, a single square road sector, and some barns. Now, Rodegeit only uses the roads and barns; the houses have been rebuilt smaller to better accommodate its newly 2 feet tall inhabitants.


Rodegeit has but a single small warehouse, but the butchery helps run a small market that sells trinkets and baubles from distant towns. The hamlet used to be slightly richer, with distant traders bringing their own supplies; now the market is rather quiet.

Guilds and Factions

Rodegeit can be split into three "factions", if you want to be overly formal.
  • Goat-herders
    The majority of the town are goat-herders; who farm other crops and animals as well, but the majority of their income comes from goat milk.
  • Butchery
    One small family of the town, and the richest, is the butcher's. The butcher acts as the unofficial mayor of the hamlet, as there is no need for a formal one; simply one to handle the hamlet's tax obligations.
  • Creche of Syll
    The few Rodegian children are raised by Weston; a local priest of the Creche of Syll. Weston teaches survivalism, hymns, basic combat, and several other skills. He also acts as the hamlet watchman.


Rodegeit's history is well known to people in the surrounding areas... or rather, a warped version is. The folklore version is that demons awoke in the night cursing the hamlet for their pride; forcing them to be humbler in both stature and behavior. This would explain why the mousefolk are so flamboyant and excessive in action; except that none of this is true.
In truth, it was a local Hag. She is called the Rodegian Hag for lack of a better name, as she is quite secretive. When investigating her activities, Templeton was unable to find any sign of any nearby lair. It is presumed that, whoever this hag was, that she is abroad for some dark reason. It is unlikely the hamlet will ever be fixed of the Curse until the hag is located.


Rodegeit operates on a much smaller version of Chevalian architecture, adapted for the size of the much smaller inhabitants now. The buildings are often given bright yellow roofs to denote their existence; out of fear they will be smashed into by wandering "full-sizers".


Rodegeit is built on large, rolling hills so that it is nearly flat. It is otherwise spectacularly boring, with the distant vistas being the Calcheth Forest and various distant hills rising around it.

Natural Resources

Rodegeit has many herds of goats and good grass for grazing, incredibly useful for cheese production.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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