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Lianne Nautilus

Dread Pirate Lianne Nautilus

Lianne Nautilus was once a feared pirate, and then her ship was sank by a competitor. She went to the streets, committing petty crime to try to get back on her feet, but was eventually caught trying to pick the pockets of a drunk foreigner; this foreigner happening to be a monk. She was brought to the Duke of Lorcan, who offered her a deal: she remains free if she joins the Sharkpups of Castow.   Unknown to all but her, she has a mystic power granted to her by a mysterious benefactor; the power to drain spells from the stars above. Lianne plans to hone her powers while currying favor from this feudal lord, and kill her nemesis with her new resources: strange spells, the favor of a lord, and the resources of the Sharkpups.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lianne is more fit than average, but mostly dexterous and fast than strong.

Body Features

Lianne is well tanned from being out in the sun, but her skin shows little markings of the manual labor she does out there, still as smooth as her first day aboard a ship. She has a scar across her stomach, one of the few signs of her dangerous occupation.

Facial Features

Lianne has rather small features for her face; her eyes, nose and mouth are all rather small, framed by decently prominent cheekbones. Her jaw is as pointed as her ears are, which is to say moderately so.

Identifying Characteristics

Her hair occasionally glows bluish white at night, like distant stars, and her blood twinkles away into glowing motes that fly up after being spilled.

Physical quirks

Lianne is used to the waves, where she feels most comfortable and has a rather boisterous gait. On land, she stiffens up her gait to disguise the slight disorientation she gets from being off a ship, and walks nearly formal. She often taps her foot while standing, not realizing it.   Lianne is right-handed, using her quick hands with the only calluses on her body, having developed to help grip onto ropes.

Special abilities

When left to drown, Lianne obtained a strange power from the stars above, guiding her back to shore. This power has manifested itself as a sort of "Cosmic conduit" to the sky, letting her reach into the power of the stars and steal it for her own. Sometimes, voices whisper to her details about the stars, and their moral failings.

Apparel & Accessories

Lianne is known for her tattered captain's uniform, with a faded patch of her old crew. She has recently acquired a new bicorn hat, which she plans to add a new patch to.

Specialized Equipment

Lianne wields a two-handed maul of smooth black metal, impaling a gleaming gemstone. This maul acts as a conduit to the stars, pulling magical power from the sky, projecting constellations with its gleam across the battlefield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lianne was born to an elf, and raised by her single father after said elf abandoned them both. The two lived together in his shop (which may or may not deal in "under the table" deals) and he raised her to the best of her abilities. She ended up a bit... rough and tumble, of a kid, with her greatest dream being to end up as a pirate captain.   At the young age of 16 she entered a pirate crew, with her father's blessing, and by age 20 became a captain, having led a mutiny against her crew. Over the years of her career, she raided towns, sank merchant vessels, and gained the trust of her crew.   Disaster struck near the anniversary of her career however, and her ship was sank, her crew slaughtered. She had trespassed into the territory of a rival crew, and the captain took that as a personal offense, sinking her vessel.   Alone, her crew possibly all dead, she washed up on shore with strange powers keeping her alive. Trying to understand what happened to herself and manage to get herself out of the turf of her rivals, she resorted to petty crime. She was caught pickpocketing a drunk foreigner, who turned out to be a monk, who caught and turned her in to the guards.

Gender Identity





She was trained by her father, a shopkeep on the bad side of town, in basic math, bargaining, chores, and self-defense; she joined the pirates rather fast, with her father's permission.


Lianne was quickly hired by a pirate crew, and trained in the arts of piracy. She gained notoriety among the locals, and was known for her general brutality among her enemies. Eventually she rose to captainhood, overthrowing her old captain and heading the Mollusk.   This period of her career would only last a short time until a pirate crew would attempt to sink her, for she began to overextend into the territory of other crews. The Mollusk was sank, and Lianne left to drown.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lianne was a famed pirate in the Lorcan duchy, having had an entire year of debauchery and plundering.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lianne is most skilled in combat, but her mind shines mostly in the field of social interaction. She can schmooze (or "schmooze") her way through any situation, and if not -- she can always go for a quick slam with a maul or belaying pin, hitting them off guard. Her intelligence is average, though her instincts are honed, and she is not too wise, to be quite honest.


Discussing her old crew brings up old wounds, and she refuse to talk about them. Possibly out of fear they may be alive, possibly out of sadness that they're gone, but definitely out of a sense of survivor's guilt.

Personality Characteristics


Lianne's ship, the Mollusk, was sank by another pirate crew, which she wishes for revenge upon. She believes that if she can work with the Duke of Lorcan and achieve favor with him, she can use his resources to take out her old nemesis, before going rogue out on the high seas again.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Lianne is decently perceptive but quite nimble, with skills in both acrobatics and sleight of hand. She knows how to navigate a ship, but the majority of her training was in combat, where she excels.

Likes & Dislikes

Lianne has a penchant for the sweet (like cakes), the alcoholic (like ale), and things that are both (like women).

Virtues & Personality perks

Lianne is socially skilled with the commoners, when she doesn't want to be aggressive; and can think quickly and act on instinct in dangerous situations.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lianne's likes and her vices are one in the same; if it's something she likes, she overindulges in it. Her flaw may be an addictive personality, or it may be a bit of ego in thinking she should get all that she "deserves" with how great she is, but in either case, she's hedonistic to the max.   Lianne's main flaw is rather similar: she isn't very wise, and her willpower suffers. Complex politics wear her down, and so do her vices, and she generally suffers in the department of complex emotional introspection.


Only properly bathes on land in a good inn. Otherwise, good luck getting the scent of oceanwater out of your nose when you're around her.


Social Aptitude

Lianne is intimidating and good at lying, and generally gets her way. She is known as a terrifying pirate for quite some distance in Chevalia, and flaunts it whenever she believes it'll get her something. She is rough-and-tumble and not well suited for high society.

Hobbies & Pets

Lianne spends her spare time indulging herself in one of her many vices, or gambling, which she does not consider a vice or flaw. When she is unable to do those, she usually sates herself with climbing to strange vantage points.
Chaotic Neutral
Year of Birth
479 AMN 21 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to an elf, immediately abandoned and raised by father.
Current Residence
Leonard's Arrow
Brown eyes
Black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Imperial Common, Daeroan Elvish, Celestial
Character Prototype
Pirate Girl

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Lianne Nautilus

Warlock 3 Class & Level
Pirate Background
Half-Elf Race
Chaotic Good Alignment

Strength 11
Dexterity 16
constitution 12
intelligence 10
wisdom 8
charisma 15
Total Hit Dice 3
Hit Die
+2 proficiency bonus
+0 Strength
+3 Dexterity
+1 Constitution
+0 Intelligence
-1 Wisdom
+4 Charisma
saving throws
+5 Acrobatics
-1 Animal Handling
+0 Arcana
+0 Athletics
+4 Deception
+0 History
-1 Insight
+4 Intimidation
-1 Investigation
-1 Medicine
+0 Nature
+1 Perception
+2 Performance
+4 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+5 Sleight of Hands
+3 Stealth
-1 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
Maul: 1d20+2 2d6+2 Bludgeoning
Belaying Pin: 1d20 1d4 Bludgeoning
Dagger: 1d20+3 1d4+3 Piercing
Languages: celestial, elvish, common
Armor: light armor
Weapons: simple weapons
Tools: Navigator's tools, vehicles (water)
Charisma spell modifier.
Glimmer, Eldritch Blast as cantrips.
Hex, Armor of Agathys level 1 spells.
Mind Spike, Tormenting Flurry level 2 spells.
Maul (cosmic conduit, pact weapon).
Leather armor.
Silk rope, 50 feet.
Belaying pin.
Common Clothes.
Glass Eye.
Mess Kit.
Hempen Rope, 50 feet.
Cosmic Conduit
Fey Ancestry
Invocation: Stolen Heart
Invocation: Agonizing Blast
Features & Traits

Heroes Enabled


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