The Dyeolchiu Organization in The Khersos Isles | World Anvil
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The Dyeolchiu

The Dyeolchiu is the official state religion of the Ulanese Empire . All Ulanshi are adherent to the Dyeolchiu, even if only in passing; on both sides of the war. The Dyeolchiu is reclusive, and its teachings are secret to all but high-ranking members.


  1. The Dyeol
    Head of Religion
  2. Huan-Ri
    Seconds in Command
  3. ???
    Middle ranks are unknown to outsiders.
  4. Tachocline

Public Agenda

The Dyeolchiu wishes to please the Sun, ensuring its rays reach the earth and bring life. The Dyeolchiu guards the most dangerous secrets of Ulan, ensuring they do not fall into the wrong hands. And finally, the Dyeolchiu protects Ulanshi cultural purity from outsiders, by ensuring Ulanshi culture is not warped.


The Dyeolchiu has many temple complexes across Ulan, with private sectors. The assets of the Dyeolchiu are private to all but insiders on the religion, as a primary tenet involves secrecy.


The Dyeolchiu was founded in 330 AMN as part of the merging of the various sun cults of Ulan, under imperial guidance. The Dyeol, head of the largest church, was granted various legal rights and rules to allow the more efficient operation of religion.

Cosmological Views

The world was dark and void, before the Sun arrived. It granted the dark void with light and life, and if the Sun is ever displeased, the world will fall to the dark, lifeless void again. Stars are false gods, that rule over their own worlds; worshiping them is forsaking the Sun.

Tenets of Faith

The primary public tenets of the Dyeolchiu are colloquially known as the Four S'es.
  1. Secrecy. The practices and rituals must be kept secret, so that only the worthy will hold them. If they are held by outsiders, the meaning will be twisted, and the Sun will abandon us.
  2. Sacrifice. The Sun is powered by sacrifice. If proper sacrifice is not held, the Sun will deem us to be a waste of effort.
  3. Sensibility. The Sun has granted us Its illuminating light; do not waste it. Consult the wise, do not forget the lessons of the past.
  4. Seclusion. Ulan is the Sun's blessed land. Do not forsake It with foreign influence.


The Dyeolchiu selects priests from the young faithful who attend its services, and with parental consent trains them into the priesthood. It is unknown from there how the inner circle operates; only these apprentices known as Tachoclines have their rank revealed. The priesthood itself has an organizing hierarchy that is unaware to outsiders; priests known simply as Radiants to them.   Dyeolchuun priests wear collars that represent the Sun's tendrils, orange and draping out from the neck. Dyeolchuun robes are rather close-fitting and short and have pant-legs underneath. The general outfit color of the Dyeolchiu is a scarlet embroidered with copper.

Granted Divine Powers

The Sun grants the faithful fertile fields, warm weather, and protection from enemies. The unfaithful are burnt away by the Sun's heat. Finally, the priests are granted holy flames.

"Light Eternal"

Founding Date
330 AMN
Religious, Organised Religion
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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