Deeds not Words.
Quick guide to the Kingdom of Auhren.
Basic Information:
Auhren is one of the major cities in the Isles of Isaiath. It has strong ties to other major human populated cities throughout the region, it is currently in control of House Marnei, who are currently the Lords of Auhren. The people of Auhren generally dislike the wardens of the east due to their harsh treatment of citizens, hence the Kingdom being home to three peasant rebellions. The city is also home to the The Annual Carriage Race . During this time of the year, hundreds of thousands more people spill into the cities streets.
Alternative Name(s)
The Cliff Kingdom, The Wardens Palace, Rock Wall Keep
Large city
1 Million
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)