Battle for the Mountainside

House Moses's siege of Sesea was the final major battle in the VeCoastal Wars. King Jonas Moses sent out a large portion of his army, commanded by Ser Edmer Ronk to take the port Kingdom of Sesea, controlled by rival house, Flemming.   The mountainside was a natural wall for Sesea and prevented any forces from quick or sudden attacks, with food supplies running short due to the on sea blockade created by House Flemmings fleet, Jonas decided to send his troops over the mountain and straight onto the port city that lay the other side. The mountain was heavily fortified and a large number of the Flemming army sat upon it, led by Oakly Flemming.   As preparations began on the mountain, a small force of 2,000 men were sent down to eliminate any Moses scouts. These men managed to ambush a small battalion of 1,000 men whilst only suffering 256 casualties, the first victory for the defenders. The mountain side was rigged with many loose rocks that covered holes and other large drops in hopes of killing multiple attackers scaling the cliff, large paths were cleared for boulders to be pushed down and tunnels were built as a path way for flanks.   After a few more weeks the attacking forces began their attack, a small force of men began to scale the mountainside and were greeted by constant barrages of arrows, Ser Edmer was testing the waters and had room for casualties since his forces out numbered the opposition massively. Ser Edmer was well aware of the secret flanking passages due to a spy among the defenders ranks, he sent a large force of men to travel through them during the night and sack the defence whilst they slept. However the mind games began, Prince Oakly's own spy reported this and whilst the attackers prepared to travel through the tunnels, the defenders laced the walk ways with Dragon Powder. Upon ignition, the tunnels erupted, collapsed and incinerated anyone within.   After loosing many men to the Dragon Powder, Ser Edmer commenced his main assault, flinging flaming rocks towards the mountain, this did little as the elevated structures were out of range. The troops scaled the mountain and many were injured or killed by the traps and showers of arrows before ever seeing their enemy. About half the attacking force reached the top and began combat, Ser Edmer and Prince Oakly cut through any man who stood in their way before locking eyes with one another. The two rushed towards each other and duelled for what was said to be 25 minutes before Oakly got the advantage, As he was on the high ground he kicked loose rocks towards the famed knight, knocking him down. At this moment it is said Prince Oakly jumped higher than any man before and thrusted his sword through the chest plate and out the other side of Ronk's chest. The story has changed and evolved over time and none truly know how the fight played out.   Once Ser Edmer was slain, it was all downhill for the Moses forces and after more failed siege attempts they accepted defeat and fled the mountainside. This was a huge victory for Sesea and ultimately led to a peace treaty between House Flemming and House Moses.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
House Flemming held control of Sesea


House Moses

Led by

The Kingdom of Sesea

Led by


Ser Edmer led the assault with the combined might of House Moses along with other significant houses, the full force was 100,000 strong and also had powerful siege weapons.
Sesea's armies were of no match to that of House Moses, a mere 20,000 men would be slaughtered in open field combat. However the defending force began to rig the mountain full of traps when they heard of the attacking forces advancement.


40,000 men were killed during the assault and supposedly Ser Edmer himself was slain by Prince Oakly. House Flemmings combination of natural defences along with their army proved to much for the out positioned sieging army.
Prince Oakly's forces suffered major casualities throughout the battle, 12,000 men died defending their home. These put large dints in the Sesean force but the positional and natural advantages gave House Moses a much harder time.


Sieze the kingdom of Sesea, relieve the trade routes of the Sesean navel blockade allowing a steady stream of supplies to Houes Moses' armies.
Defend Sesea from the invading force, allowing the navel blockade to continue and starve House Moses army.


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